onomato-, onoma-, onomo-, onom-, ono-

(Greek: name, word)

antonomasia (s) (noun), antonomasias (pl)
1. The use of a title or formal description such as "Your Highness" or "His Excellency" in place of someone's proper name.
2. The expression of a proper name as a common noun to refer to someone or something with associated characteristics, e.g., in calling a handsome young man "an adonis".
nomatophobia, onomatophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An irrational apprehension of hearing a certain name, word or words: Susan was known to have onomatophobia because there were some terms she just couldn't stand hearing because of the horrible and frightening connotations they had for her.
onomancy, onomomancy (s) (noun) (bo pl)
Divination or fortune-telling with names: Onomancy is a system of prophecy using proper names based on a subject's given name, and was popular in the Late Middle Ages.
onomantist, onomomantist
Someone who divines or foretells the future with names.
1. Onomasiology is the branch of lexicology that departs from a concept or a referent and asks for the names bestowed to it by different speech communities.
2. The study of names or naming; also, a branch of semantics concerned with related words and their meanings; the study of nomenclature.

Onomasiology is central to human interest in language. Due to the rich quantity of modern linguistic working materials; such as, dialect dictionaries, minutely compiled corpora etc., onomasiological studies can and must investigate small dialect areas in a detailled way in order to gain valuable insights into the processes of naming and name-changing.

Onomasiologists need good bibliographies, encyclopaedias, and some type of coherent linguistic data base to come up with comprehensive results.

1. Of, like, or pertaining to a name or a signature.
2. Pertaining to or consisting of names.
3. In law, designating a signature of an instrument the body of which is in another handwriting, or the instrument itself.
1. A dictionary or vocabulary of proper names.
2. A collection of names and terms; a dictionary; specifically, a collection of Greek names, with explanatory notes, made by Julius Pollux about A.D.180.
1. The study and history of names.
2. The study of the origin, history, and use of proper names.
Prognostication, or fortune telling, by using letters in a name.
A theory of language which draws a distinction between "real" names: such as, names associated with bodies and pseudo-names which denote states, relationships, properties, events, etc.

It further elaborates on when a sentence is meaningful, when it has a literal, direct sense, or when it is meaningful or has an indirect sense.

Someone who is versed or is a specialist in the history of names.
The study and science of names or their nomenclature and their classifications.
onomatomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by interpreting the letters of a name: Onomatomancy uses the number of vowels (even/odd) in a name, or the total number of letters, or the sum of the numerical values of the letters.
1. A mania for names or an irresistible impulse to repeat it over and over.
2. A morbid preoccupation with words and names or a mania for word-making.
3. A preoccupation with words and names.
4. An abnormal impulse to dwell upon certain words and their supposed significance or to frantically try to recall a particular word.
Someone who has an obsession with a particular word which the person uses repeatedly or which intrudes into his or her consciousness.

Related "name" units: nom-; -onym.

Related "word, words" units: etym-; legi-; lexico-; locu-; logo-; -onym; verbo-.