omni-, omn-
(Latin: all, every)
2. Mentally striving to find and learn all existing forms of information beyond what is considered a normal acquisition: John had an omnivoracious desire for knowledge about everything, both past and present"
2. Pertaining to an insatiable appetite for all activities or pursuits; greedy: She had an omnivoracity interest in playing computer games and could hardly take a break or even stop playing!
3. Regarding a oundless greed for all things: Examples of omnivoracity can be seen in many aspects of life, for instance as a gluttonous consumer of fine foods, as a rapacious acquirer of competing businesses, or as a politician who is ravenous for power.
2. Relating to anyone who has very wide interests and will read, study, or generally absorb or be interested in just about anything that is available: Henry, who is 80 years old, has been an omnivorous reader for most of his life.

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This motto came from a reader who said, "I have a tatoo that reads 'PAX ET FELICITAS SEMPER OMNIBUS'. See if any of your subscribers can translate that."
I sent him the translation above; as well as, the following:
"Peace and good fortune (or success) always to everyone."
These words are not concerned with wealth, as such, but with avarice. Money per se is not considered the root of evil, but the excessive love of money to the exclusion of morals, philanthropy, character, the well-being of others, etc.
This "salt" refers not to table salt (sodium chloride) but to "sparkling thought well expressed" or to some good conversation when eating.
Related "all, every" word unit: pan-, panto-.