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(verb), omnicoles; omnicoled; omnicoling: layers, levels
1. Living every where or in all places.
2. Thriving on several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another.
Word Entries containing the term:
archaeological layer, archeological layer
(s) (noun); archaeological layers; archeological layers
A sedimentary and architectural unit defined by a combination of lithological, pedological, and material cultural criteria: Archaeological layers are created over time as people develop new towns and cities, and then rebuilt them at the same place, as it is the case in Istanbul.
This entry is located in the following units:
archaeo-, archeo-, archae-, arche-, archa-, archi-, -arch
(page 2)
logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logue
(page 1)
atmospheric boundary layer, surface boundary layer, friction layer
(s) (noun); surface boundary layers; friction layers; atmospheric boundary layers
The thin layer of air adjacent to the Earth's surface; surface layer: The
atmospheric boundary layer is usually considered to be less than 300 feet (91 meters) high.
In the Earth's atmosphere, the planetary boundary layer is the air layer near the ground affected by diurnal heat, moisture, or momentum transfer to or from the surface.
The thin layer of air adjacent to the Earth's surface; ground layer: The atmospheric boundary layer extends up to the so-called anemometer level (the base of the Ekman layer [thin top layer of the sea]). Within this layer the wind distribution is determined largely by the vertical temperature gradient and the nature and contours of the underlying surface, and shearing stresses are approximately constant.
atmospheric layer
(s) (noun), atmospheric layers
Any one of a number of layers of the atmosphere, most commonly distinguished by temperature distribution: The
atmospheric layer is also known as the "atmospheric shell" or "atmospheric region".
The atmospheric layer is one of several strata or layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
Temperature distribution is the most common criterion used for denoting the various shells.
eluvial layer
(s) (noun), eluvial layers
The leached (emptied or drained) upper part of a soil profile: The eluvial layer that lost the essential soil minerals from its light sandy soils was caused by a year of excessive rain.
ionized layers
1. The layers of enhanced ionization produced within the ionosphere by impinging, or bringing together, cosmic radiation.
2. Layers of increased ionization within the ionosphere produced by cosmic radiation; responsible for absorption and reflection of radio waves and important in connection with communications and tracking of satellites and other space vehicles.
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
deep scattering layers
The layers observed through the water column (vertical section of the sea) on echo sounders.
Echo sounders are measuring instruments that send out acoustic pulses in water and measure distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return.
SONAR is an acronym for "sound navigation ranging"; ASDIC is an acronym for "antisubmarine detection investigation committee".
The name refers to the way they scatter sound waves. The layers are typically composed of krill, midwater fish, and siphonophores (species which form complex free-swimming communities composed of numerous zooids of various kinds, or organic bodies or cells having locomotion, some of which act as floats or as swimming organs, others as feeding or nutritive zooids, and others as reproductive zooids).