ante-, ant-

(Latin: before, in front of, prior to, forward; used as a prefix)

Compare this element with anti-, meaning "against". Anti-, with the meaning of "before", is found in very few words, such as: "antipasto" (from Italian) and "anticipate" with its various forms, plus a few scientific terms.

antemeridian, antemeridiem (A.M.)
1. Of or belonging to the forenoon or "morning".
2. Before midday; applicable to the hours between midnight and the following noon.
1. Tending to check vomiting.
2. A medicine of this nature.
Before or immediately preceding death.
antemundane, ante-mundane (adjective); more antemundane, more ante-mundane; most antemundane, most ante-mundane
Pertaining to being or taking place before the creation of the world.
antemural (s) (noun), antemurals (pl)
A strong high fortification of a castle or fortress that has turrets for defense of the entrance: The castle had a trench with an antemural structure that could help those inside protect themselves from attackers.
antenatal (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to a condition that occurs or exists before birth: Florence made sure that she had the best antenatal care possible before her baby was born.
antenuptial (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to events before a marriage: Margaret and Michael had an antenuptial agreement as to when and where their wedding would take place.
antenuptial agreement (s) (noun), antenuptial agreements (pl)
A written contract between two people who are about to marry, setting out the terms of possession of assets, treatment of future earnings, control of the property of each, and potential division if the marriage is later dissolved: An antenuptial agreement is fairly common if either or both parties have substantial assets, children from a previous marriage, potential large inheritances, or high incomes; which they feel should be provided for.
1. Referring to or relating to the time just before birth; especially, the period of labor before a baby is delivered.
2. Occurring or existing before childbirth; such as, the prenatal or antepartum period.
antependium (s) (noun), antependia (pl)
A decorative cloth that hangs on the front of an altar, pulpit, or lectern; such as, a covering made of silk or a painted panel.
antepenult (s) (noun), antepenults (pl)
1. The third from the last syllable of a word: The antepenult is stressed as in the words get in for•get•ful•ness; per in su•per•flu•ous; lu in the word an•te•di•lu•vi•an; and ter in an•ter•i•or.
2. Etymology: from Latin ante-, "before" + penult, "next to the last syllable in a word".

Antepenult should be considered the part of a word that precedes the penult, "next to the last syllable" from Late Latin antepaenultima.

antepenultimate (s) (noun), antepenultimates (pl)
Anything that is the third from the end; especially, a syllable in a word: The antepenultimate stressed unit in the word immortality is tal, as in im-mor-tal-i-ty.
anteprandial (adjective), more anteprandial, most anteprandial
Regarding the time before a meal; pertaining to something that takes place before dinner: The couple decided to have an anteprandial sherry before sitting down for dinner.
Everything has been thought of before, but the problem is to think of it again.
—Johann W. von Goethe

Related before-word units: antero-; anti-; pre-; pro-.