oculo-, ocul- +

(Latin: eye[s]; sight)

oculomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. Divination by interpreting the eyes of certain human subjects: Oculomancy is said to be similar to hypnotism in a primitive form.

Oculomancy is a kind of scrying, or gazing, into the eyes of the questioner, and the reflections are read by the diviner.
2. Etymology: from the Latin oculus, "eye".

1. A reference to the movements of the eyes; applied especially to the common motor nerves (or third pair of cranial nerves) which supply many of the muscles of the orbit.
2. Referring to or effecting movements of the eyes.
oculomotor nerve
The third cranial nerve which is responsible for the nerve supply to the muscles around the eye, including the upper eyelid muscle, which raises the eyelid; the extraocular muscle, which moves the eye inward; and the pupillary muscle, which constricts the pupil.

Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve results in a drooping eyelid (ptosis), deviation of the eyeball outward (and therefore double vision), and a dilated (wide-open) pupil.

Any disease of the eyes or their parts caused by fungus.
A reference to the eyes and the nose.
oculopathy (s) (noun), oculopathyies (pl)
Any eye ailment: Lynn was told by her doctor that she had a kind of oculopathy called macula degeneration which was an age-related and progressive illness of the eyes in which she would gradually lose the central part of the field of her vision.
A branch of opthalmology which is concerned with the treatment of abnormalities of the structures around the eyes, including the lids and tear drainage system, with the objectives of improving the functions, comfort, and appearances of the areas around the eyes.
1. Concerning the pupil of the eye.
2. Of or relating to the pupil of the eye.
oculus (s), oculi (pl)
1. An eye; a leaf bud.
2. A round window, usually a small one.
3. An organ of vision.
4. An architectural feature that is round or eye-shaped; such as, a round window, a round opening at the top of a dome, or the central boss of a volute.
Near or around the eye.
photosensor oculography (s) (noun), photosensor oculographies (pl)
The process by which the position and movement of the eye is measured by the use of a light sensitive device: Ingrid's doctor had a specialist examine her eyes using a photosensor oculography procedure in order to make a better diagnosis of what was causing her to lose her vision.
Quoniam mille anni ante oculos tuos, tanquam dies hesterna, quae praeteriit, et custodio in nocte.
A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

From the Old Testament, Psalms 90:4.

Left-eyed; having the left eye as the dominant eye.
1. A condition in which the left eye is dominant.
2. Favoring the left eye, rather than the right, by habit or for effective vision; an antonym of dextrocular.
sinistro-ocular, sinistrocular
1. Using the left eye habitually or more effectively than the right eye.
2. Someone who prefers the left eye in monocular work; such as, in the use of a microscope.

Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.