oculo-, ocul- +

(Latin: eye[s]; sight)

A substance (a virus, toxin, or immune serum) which is introduced into the body to produce or to increase immunity to a particular disease.
Inserted in the corner of the eye; a reference to the antenna of certain insects.
inoculate, inoculating, inoculated
1. To communicate a disease by inoculation.
2. To bud; to insert, or graft, as the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant.
3. To insert a foreign bud into; as, to inoculate a tree.
4. To communicate a disease to (a person) by inserting infectious matter in the skin or flesh; such as, to inoculate a person with the virus of smallpox, rabies, etc.
5. To introduce into the mind; used especially of harmful ideas or principles.
6. To imbue; such as, to inoculate someone with treason or infidelity.
7. Etymology: from Latin inoculatus, past participle of inoculare "to ingraft"; in-, "in, on" + oculare "to furnish with eyes", from oculus, "an eye"; also, "a bud".

More information about inoculate may be seen at Inoculate, its Past and Present.

1. Taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease.
2. Introduction of material (usually a vaccine) into the tissues.
3. A mode of entry of bacteria into the body.
4. The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
5. Informal, a preemptive advertising tactic in which one party attempts to foresee and neutralize potentially damaging criticism from another party by being the first to confront troublesome issues.
6. Etymology: from Latin inoculare, "to engraft an eye, or a bud, from one tree into another one, to implant"; from in-, "in" + oculare, "to furnish with eyes", from oculus, "eye, bud".
1. A medical practitioner who inoculates people against diseases.
2. Someone who propagates plants by inoculation; that is, to produce seedlings for revegetation work by germinating seeds, growing cuttings, or using some other method to encourage plant reproduction and growth.
3. To implant (a disease agent or antigen) in a person, animal, or plant to produce a disease for study or to stimulate disease resistance.
1. Cells added to start a culture or, in the case of viruses, viruses added to infect a culture of cells.
2. A biological material injected into a human, or animal, to induce immunity (a vaccine) or to create resistance to a disease.
1. Being, or situated, between the eyes.
2. Between, or within, the eyes; such as, the interocular distance.
3. Situated between the eyes; such as, the antennae of some insects.
1. In the eye.
2. Within or introduced into the inside of the eyeball.

Intraocular pressure is the pressure within the eye.

inveigle (in VAY guhl, in VEE guhl)
1. To charm or to entice someone into doing something that he or she would not otherwise have done.
2. To obtain something by persuading someone to give it.
3. To win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk.
4. To obtain by cajolery: "He inveigled a free pass to the concert."
5. Etymology: from Anglo-Norman envegler, alteration of French aveugler, "deprive of sight" and previously assumed to be from Vulgar Latin aboculus, "without an eye, without sight, blind"; from Latin ab-, "without" + oculus, "eye".
inveiglement (in VAY guhl muhnt)
1. The enticement, lure, or ensnaring by flattery or artful talk or inducements.
2. Acquiring , winning, or obtainment with beguiling talk or methods: "She tried to inveigle a theater pass from a man going into the door."
inveigler (in VAY gluhr)
Someone who strives to entice, to lure, or to ensnare something with flattery, artful talk, or inducements.
levocular, levocularity
1. A condition in which someone has better vision with the left eye than the with the right eye.
2. Favoring the left eye, rather than the right, by habit or for effective vision.
1. A single eyeglass lens worn by fitting it between the eyebrow and the upper cheek.
2. A small crustacean with one median eye.
3. An insect with one eye.
1. Adapted to be used with only one eye at a time; such as, a monocular microscope.
2. Having only one eye or with one eye only; such as, "monocular vision".
Having just one eye.

Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.