not-, nosc-, nit-

(Latin: from gnoscere, to come to know, to get to know, to get acquainted [with]; know, learn; mark, sign; and cognoscere, to get to know, to recognize)

noble (adjective)
Etymology: "illustrious, distinguished, worthy of honor or respect"; from Old French noble, from Latin nobilis, "well-known, famous, renowned, of superior birth"; earlier gnobilis, literally, "knowable" from gnoscere, "to come to know".
Nosce te ipsum.
Know yourself.

The Latin equivalent of Gnothi seauton, a motto that was inscribed on the temple of Apolllo at Delphi.

This quotation was transmuted in the death-conscious Middle Ages into a frequently cited Memento mori: nosce tuam horam or "Know your hour" which refers to the warning that we should be aware of the hour of our death. This motto was commonly written on clock faces.

notability (s) (noun), notabilities (pl)
1. A prominent individual who is an inspiration to others: At the opening of the concert series there were quite a number of notabilities present, all dressed up with their exquisite and expensive eveningwear.
2. The quality of being impressive or extraordinary: Although the town is rather small, its notability and fame extends throughout the country.
notable (s) (noun), notables (pl)
Someone who has a significant reputation, a celebrity.
notable (adjective), more notable, most notable
1. Worthy of attention or of being noticed: Mary, the movie star, was a fine lady with notable and remarkable beauty.
2. Capable of being perceptible: Jack and Sam spoke German with a notable English accent and were immediately observed to be foreigners in Frankfurt.
3. Denoting distinction or eminence: The notable group of citizens in the community got together once a week to discuss the current topics in politics.
notably (adverb), more notably, most notably
Characterizing how a person or a thing can be exceptional or important: One of the most notably brilliant and extraordinary composers was Johann Sebastian Bach.
notarial (adjective)
notarially (adverb)
notary (s) (noun), notaries (pl)
notation (s) (noun), notations (pl)
note (s) (noun), notes (pl)
Etymology: from Latin nota, "mark, sign; character, letter; thought to be related to notus, past participle of noscere; from Old Latin gnoscere, "to recognize".

The meaning "to set in writing: is from about 1400. First recorded around 1300, in the musical sense; and the meaning "brief writing" is from 1548.

note (verb), notes; noted; noting
noted (adjective)
notedly (adverb)
noteworthy (adjective)
Referring to something that is remarkable or significant; and so, deserving notice or attention.