neuro-, neuron-, neurono-, neur-, neuri-, -neuroma, -neurotic, -neurosis, -neuron, -neural, -neuria

(Greek: nerve, nerve fiber, tendon, sinew, cord; nerve cell, nerve cells)

neurosis (medicine)
neurosome, perikaryon
The cell body of a neuron or a highly specialized cell of the nervous system.
A spasm caused by a disorder in the motor nerves supplying the muscles.
A condition in which neurons respond with abnormal force or rapidity to slight stimuli.
1. A tendency of nerve cells to remain close to their sources of stimulation by migrating, both in the course of their development and evolution.
2. Theory that nerve cells tend to grow in the direction of most stimulations.
neurotheological (adjective)
A reference to the concept that within the brain are neural structures which provide a potential for religious experiences: "Some neurotheological experiences suggest that there are people who have a better understanding about their existence in the world, and how everything suddenly becomes filled with divine significance and meaning."
neurotheology, neuro-theology (s) (noun), neurotheologies, neuro-theologies (pl)
1. The search for the place, or places, in the brain where religious beliefs originate: "Neurotheology mixes terms and methods from science and religion in an attempt to confer the authority of science upon religion."

"In neurotheology, psychologists and neurologists try to determine which regions turn on, and which areas turn off, during experiences that seem to exist outside time and space."

2. The scientific study of religious or spiritual feelings by using the tools of psychology and neuroscience to probe the neural basis of religious experience: "Neurotheology is said to be a passion for uncovering the neurological evidence of spiritual and mystical experiences; for discovering, in short, what happens in people's brains when they sense that they "have encountered a reality different from—and, in some crucial sense, higher than—the reality of everyday experiences."

"Research in this field of neurotheology roughly divides into two types: (1) either stimulating spiritual experience with drugs, or (2) studying brain activity during such experiences using imaging techniques to see which regions of the brain are changing; and for some researchers, 'these moments of calm or absence of mental stress are little more than common deviations or variations in brain chemistry'."

neurotherapy, neurotherapeutics
The treatment of psychological, psychiatric, and nervous disorders.
In a clash by oneself.
neurotic excoriation
1. A self-induced skin lesion, inflicted by the fingernails or by other physical actions.
2. A self-inflicted excoriation, usually on the face, back, or shoulders of a subject when under stress.

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-.

Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.