nephr-, nephro-, nephri-, -nephric

(Greek: nephros; kidney, kidneys)

A calculus formed in the kidney; also known as a "kidney stone".
The process of forming a kidney stone, an existing stone in the kidney; or lower down in the urinary tract.

Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin and they occur in one in twenty people at some time in their lives.

nephrolithotomy, lithonephrotomy
Incision into the kidney for the removal of a renal calculus or "kidney stone".
Softening of the kidneys.
nephromancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by looking at the kidneys of a sacrificed animal: Adam read about some primitive people who practiced foretelling the future with nephromancy when they killed a goat and scrutinized its kidneys.
Nephronophthisis 1 (NPH1)
1. A childhood kidney disease in which there is progressive symmetrical destruction of the kidneys involving both the tubules and glomeruli, characteristically resulting in anemia, polyuria, polydipsia, isosthenuria (decreased ability to concentrate the urine), progressive renal failure and death in uremia.

The chronic kidney failure affects growth and leads to short stature. The age at death ranges from around four to fifteen years.

2. Etymology: derived from nephron + phthisis.

The nephron is the fundamental functional unit in the kidney and includes the renal tubule and glomerulus. Phthisis is a Greek word meaning "a dwindling or wasting away".

nephropathic (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning a kidney ailment: Dr. Todd informed Jack that he had a nephropathic condition that should be taken seriously, and that he mustn't drink any alcoholic beverages or smoke at all anymore.
nephropathy (s) (noun), nephropathies (pl)
An irregularity or diesease of the kidneys: Susan read that a long subjection or vulnerability to lead can result in nephropathy, or a malfunction of the kidneys.
The surgical fixation of a floating or mobile kidney.
1. Tuberculosis of the kidney.
2. Suppurative (form or discharge pus) nephritis with wasting of the substance of the kidney.