mono-, mon-

(Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix)

Consisting of only one color or of one color and white.

In painting, it may refer to the use of many shades of a single hue.

Consisting of only one color and white; usually, of black and white.
monochronic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to something occurring at a single period of time; contemporaneous: The accumulation of organic remains can be monochronic in that they were deposited at the same period.
2. Concerning a system where activities are done one at a time: When doing housework, Jane was certainly monochronic in that she first completed one task before starting the next one.
monochronous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. In ancient prosody, descriptive of something consisting in or equal to one time or mora; monosemic: In a literal meaning, a monochronous syllable in a word is comprised of a single semeion.
2. Concerning the feature of an expression having only one meaning; a lack of ambiguity: Ivy's mother used only one word which had only one important message, and that was "No!"
monocity, monocities
Primarily a term used in Russia for towns, or cities, mostly isolated that depend on a single large employer.

Nervous Kremlin keeps crumbling "monocities" alive as a safety valve

There are 300 or so cities where a single factory supplies heat, income, and social security. Many of these monocities are hemorrhaging money, leaving leaders with an array of unpalatable choices: To allow such factory towns to die gradually, as they did in the 1990's, to liquidate them, or to save them.

—Information for the word "monocities" came from
The Global Edition of The New York Times as seen in the article,
"In Russia, no pay, little heat, flicker of hope" by Ellen Barry
in the International Herald Tribune, December 31-January 1, 2009-2010; page 3.
1. A single eyeglass lens worn by fitting it between the eyebrow and the upper cheek.
2. A small crustacean with one median eye.
3. An insect with one eye.
A group of vertebrates, including the birds and reptiles, or those that have only one occipital condyle (rounded extremity of a bone that forms the rear and the rear bottom of the skull); the Sauropsida.
monocotyledon, monocots
A plant with one cotyledon or seed leaf. A very important group of flowering plants, dominating great parts of the earth and with many economically important plants.

The largest monocot family is the Orchidaceae (orchids), with very complex (and striking) flowers, for highly specific insect pollination.

The second largest and perhaps more notable family, the Poaceae or Gramineae (true grasses), have evolved in another direction, becoming highly specialized for wind pollination. Grasses produce small flowers, which may be gathered in highly visible plumes; such as, inflorescences.

Comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves. Includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae [synonyms: Monocotyledones, class Monocotyledones, Monocotyledonae, class Monocotyledonae, Liliopsida, class Liliopsida].
monocracy (s) (noun), monocracies (pl)
A government or rule by a single person; autocracy: A monocracy is a kind governing system whereby the sole ruler is an absolute dictator and not controlled by a constitution, any laws, or opponents.
1. Adapted to be used with only one eye at a time; such as, a monocular microscope.
2. Having only one eye or with one eye only; such as, "monocular vision".
monocular vision
Having sight with only a single eye or being able to see with just one eye.