mono-, mon-
(Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix)
Bigamy is proof that two rites make a wrong.
Monogamy is a monopoly.
The media headlines about marriage lifestyles were rampant, exclaiming that those who practiced either bigamy or polygamy were carrying things too far. There was no mention about the success of monogamy.
2. A distribution of an electric charge which is concentrated at a point or is spherically symmetric.
2. A specific viral infection with the Epstein-Barr virus in which there is an increase of white blood cells that are mononuclear (with a single nucleus).
"Mono" and "kissing disease" are popular terms for this very common illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV); however, by the time most people reach adulthood, an antibody against EBV can be detected in their blood meaning they have been infected with EBV.
The illness is less severe in young children and the infection can be spread by saliva. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands.
"Mono" can cause liver inflammation (hepatitis) and spleen enlargement. Vigorous contact sports should be avoided to prevent spleen rupture.
Since mono is caused by a virus and not bacteria, antibiotics are of no benefit; therefore, treatment is directed at relieving the symptoms, which may persist for one to two months.
Ambulacral spines refer to any of the radial areas of echinoderms along which run the principal nerves, blood vessels, and elements of the water-vascular system.
A small needlelike structure like one of the silicate or calcium carbonate processes holding up the soft tissue of certain invertebrates, especially sponges.
2. In botany, belonging to a class of flower that has a single stamen.
There is a vast difference between the savage and civilized man, but it is usually not apparent to their wives until after breakfast.
2. Having but one flower; one-flowered.
Now rare; usually replaced by monarchical.
2. Of or belonging to a monarchy.3. Referring to, pertaining to, or favoring monarchy as a form of government.