mechano-, mechan-; mechanico-; machin-
(Greek makhana, machana > Latin machina: machine, device, tool; an apparatus for applying mechanical power to do work; mekhanikos > machynen, decide a course of action, contrive, plot contrivance; a machine or the workings of machines)
2. An automatic device used in conjunction with a digital computer to produce a graphic or pictorial representation of computer data on a hard copy.
3. A graphics printer that draws images with ink pens.
It draws point-to-point lines directly from vector graphics files.
The plotter was the first computer output device that could print graphics as well as accommodate full-size engineering and architectural drawings.
2. Recording by means of a signal-actuated mechanical device; such as, a pen arm or mirror attached to the moving coil of a galvanometer.
3. A tool that transforms electrical signals into equivalent mechanical motion which is transferred to a medium by cutting, embossing, or writing.
2. A protective relay operating on the principle of electromagnetic attraction; such as, a plunger relay or of electromagnetic induction.
It can also apply to pneumatic and thermal timers, or to slow pull-in or drop-out relays.
2. A transducer (electrical device that converts one form of energy into another) for receiving waves from an electric system and delivering waves to a mechanical system, or the reverse.
In electromagnetic devices, it is often difficult to control the spatial relationship of the magnet and coil.
Because the magnet is attached to one portion of the anatomy and the coil attached to another part, the patient may observe a wide variation in performance.
As the relationship between the coil and the magnet changes, it results in a variance of the frequency response and a significant fluctuation of output levels.
An electromechanical device has an energizing coil and a magnet that are housed within an assembly which optimizes spatial and geometric relationships in order to avoid variability.
The electromechanical transducer directly connects to the ossicular chain (any of certain small bones, as those of the middle ear) to transmit the mechanical energy that is produced.
2. The technology of mechanical devices, systems, or processes which are electrostatically or electromagnetically actuated or controlled.
3. The branch of electrical engineering concerned with machines producing or operated by electric currents.
2. The experimental and mathematical-computational study of the mechanical behavior of fluids.
Fluid mechanics includes the transfer of heat and matter resulting from motion of the fluid, and the driving of the fluid motion due to differences in density which may be induced by temperature, as well as the effects due to temperature dependency of the constants of materials; for example, the viscosity.
3. The study of fluids and gases at rest and in motion which can be divided into hydrostatics, the behavior of liquids at rest; hydrodynamics, the behavior of liquids in motion; and aerodynamics, the behavior of gases in motion.Hydrostatics takes into account the forces exerted by a liquid in all directions, not just the downward gravitational pull; such as, the upward force exerted on a submerged object that causes bouyancy.
Hydrodynamics is the study of fluid flow and fluid friction, or viscosity.
Aerodynamics is the study of the motion of gases which is most often applied to the study of air and the motion of solid bodies in it.
2. The area of fluid dynamics that is concerned with the study of liquids.
2. Postal letters or packages which can be safely sorted by mail machinery: "Some post offices have machinable equipment that function as parcel sorters."