(Latin: a suffix; to act in a certain way; to treat in a certain way; to make into; to treat with; to do; to make; to cause)
These word entries are just a small listing of the many words that exist with the -ize endings; so, be aware that there are many more words with this suffix which exist in this lexicon.
Another closely related suffix family with the same meanings, but a different spelling, is located at this -ise unit.
pluralize (verb), pluralizes; pluralized; pluralizing
1. To have different social classes, religions, races, etc. living together in a society but all of which continue to have their own traditions and interests: Jack and Jill were a couple who pluralized their racial backgrounds since she was of African descent with dark skin and he was a White with light-colored skin.
2. To use a grammatical morpheme to indicate a noun to be more than one: In her essay for school, Grace made sure that she pluralized the substantives in the correct manner by adding an "s", like boys, girls, parents, etc.
2. To use a grammatical morpheme to indicate a noun to be more than one: In her essay for school, Grace made sure that she pluralized the substantives in the correct manner by adding an "s", like boys, girls, parents, etc.
pressurize (verb), pressurizes; pressurized; pressurizing
1. To press something tightly into a space or container: Some cooks utilize pots with lids that pressurize the contents when food is being prepared for eating.
2. To cause the air inside an area, such as in an aircraft, to be the same as, or close to, a normal breathing area: Jane told her husband when she returned home that the system that usually pressurizes air in the passenger airplane failed to operate properly for a short time and the condition caused a great deal of terror for the passengers before it was returned to the normal functioning mode.
2. To cause the air inside an area, such as in an aircraft, to be the same as, or close to, a normal breathing area: Jane told her husband when she returned home that the system that usually pressurizes air in the passenger airplane failed to operate properly for a short time and the condition caused a great deal of terror for the passengers before it was returned to the normal functioning mode.
publicize (verb), publicizes; publicized; publicizing
To prepare special information about something to be easily available to any one who desires to know more regarding the topic: Jerome is publicizing his special book and computer access about developing a significantly better knowledge of words.
pulverize (verb), pulverizes; pulverized; pulverizing
1. To crush or grind something into a powder or dust: Jane use the mortar and pistol to pulverize the different spices into fine particles or grains.
3. To demolish something completely: The terrible storm pulverized and destroyed the Edgar's farm.
4. To subject an opponent to a crushing defeat: Ivan's basketball team pulverized Adam's visiting team.
3. To demolish something completely: The terrible storm pulverized and destroyed the Edgar's farm.
4. To subject an opponent to a crushing defeat: Ivan's basketball team pulverized Adam's visiting team.
rationalize (verb), rationalizes; rationalized; rationalizing
1. To describe something in a way that explains it and makes it seem proper and reasonable: Maggie was not able to rationalize why she bought such an expensive car.

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Frank tried to rationalize his young son's strange behavior by blaming it on his older son.
2. Etymology: from Latin rationalis, "of or belonging to reason, reasonable" from ratio, "calculation, reason" + -ize, "to make, to become"."

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realize (verb), realizes; realized; realizing
1. To be aware or conscious of something, or to become aware of something: After Marilyn had realized that it was a holiday and all the stores were closed, she decided to go back home!
2. To fulfill a specific vision, plan, desire, or possibility of something being achieved: After months of saving her money, June finally realized her wish to go to the concert in New York!
3. To tranform something into a particular amount of money, usually by selling it: Gregory thought that his paintings should realize an amount of $300 when sold the coming month.
4. To turn something such as a play or novel into a stage or film performance: Jeffrey was totally happy when his crime novel was finally realized as a movie and was shown at the local theater!
5. To make real or concrete by giving reality or substance to something: After planning and calculating the costs, Thomas finally began to realize his wishes for his garden, and work began the following week.
2. To fulfill a specific vision, plan, desire, or possibility of something being achieved: After months of saving her money, June finally realized her wish to go to the concert in New York!
3. To tranform something into a particular amount of money, usually by selling it: Gregory thought that his paintings should realize an amount of $300 when sold the coming month.
4. To turn something such as a play or novel into a stage or film performance: Jeffrey was totally happy when his crime novel was finally realized as a movie and was shown at the local theater!
5. To make real or concrete by giving reality or substance to something: After planning and calculating the costs, Thomas finally began to realize his wishes for his garden, and work began the following week.
recognize (REK uhg nighz") (verb), recognizes; recognized; recognizing
1. To identify a thing or person as a result of having seen or had some other experience of him, her, or it before: While they were shopping in the supermarket, Sherry turned to her husband and said, "Jim, look at that couple over there. Do you recognize them as our former neighbors who moved away some years ago?"
2. To acknowledge someone's achievement; to show appreciation of, or give credit to, another's performance: The players hoped that people would recognize their success of the sports event by donating in a grand style!
3. To allow someone to speak at a meeting: The chairman recognized the representative who wanted to talk to the members of the staff.
4. To accept formally the independent and legal status of a country or regime: The administration refused to recognize the new military government.
5. To give or award something to a person as a token of acknowledgment or gratitude: The council recognized the soldier's bravery with a medal.
6. To show in some way that someone is personally known: Shirley recognized old friends in the crowd with a smile and a wave.
7. To accept the validity or truth of something: Ivan recognized that he was at fault for the failure of the project.
2. To acknowledge someone's achievement; to show appreciation of, or give credit to, another's performance: The players hoped that people would recognize their success of the sports event by donating in a grand style!
3. To allow someone to speak at a meeting: The chairman recognized the representative who wanted to talk to the members of the staff.
4. To accept formally the independent and legal status of a country or regime: The administration refused to recognize the new military government.
5. To give or award something to a person as a token of acknowledgment or gratitude: The council recognized the soldier's bravery with a medal.
6. To show in some way that someone is personally known: Shirley recognized old friends in the crowd with a smile and a wave.
7. To accept the validity or truth of something: Ivan recognized that he was at fault for the failure of the project.
remilitarize (verb), remilitarizes; remilitarized; remilitarizing
To prepare armed forces for a war again: In order to be prepared for another aggressive behavior by a potentially negative military force, some countries have periods when they remilitarize their soldiers in order to keep them up-to-date and ready for any necessary action.
revitalize (verb), revitalizes; revitalized; revitalizing
1. To give fresh life, vigor, health, or vitality to someone or something: Frank and Francis go for long walks whenever possible in order to revitalize their physical and mental abilities.
2. To restore one's strength: Edward strives to revitalize his body by changing his diet to more wholesome foods and fluids.
2. To restore one's strength: Edward strives to revitalize his body by changing his diet to more wholesome foods and fluids.
revolutionize (verb), revolutionizes; revolutionized; revolutionizing
1. To cause something to be changed very much or completely: The invention of airplanes revolutionized one of the ways people can travel.
2. Etymology: from Latin revolvere, "to turn, to roll back."

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2. Etymology: from Latin revolvere, "to turn, to roll back."

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sanitize (verb), sanitizes; sanitized; sanitizing
To make something or someone free from dirt, infection, disease, etc., by cleansing it: Karl's cleaning lady always strives to sanitize not only the bathroom but also the other rooms of his apartment.
It is also obvious that medical staff are expected to sanitize or purify hospitals and clinics so diseases are not passed on to other patients.
satirize (verb), satirizes; satirized; satirizing
To show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc.: There are some TV programs that often satirize President Trump and other politicians to ridicule and make fun of them
scrutinize (verb), scrutinizes; scrutinized; scrutinizing
To analyze and to study closely: Doug, the building inspector, scrutinized the foundation of the new building from the bottom to the top to make sure that all of the work was done properly and without any mistakes.

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senilize (verb), senilizes; senilized; senilizing
To make or to advance during the time of one's life: We can be sure that entering the elderly period of life is at least one of the things that will senilize all of us.
solarize (verb), solarizes; solarized; solarizing
To convert, or to adapt, a building or site to the use of solar energy: Jim has an apartment in a building that has been solarized to utilize the sun to store electricity for the use of all the tenants living there.