itiner-, it-, -it
(Latin: to go, to walk away; to travel, to journey, a journey)
1. In mining, a level, or nearly level, access passage from the surface of a mine, used to excavate or to drain the main tunnel.
2. Etymology: from Latin aditus, "access"; from the past participle of ad1re, "to approach"; from ad-, "to, toward" + ire, "to go".
2. Etymology: from Latin aditus, "access"; from the past participle of ad1re, "to approach"; from ad-, "to, toward" + ire, "to go".
ambient (AM bee uhnt) (adjective), more ambient, most ambient
Referring to the immediately surrounding area or encircling region: James was suddenly inundated or engulfed in an ambient snow storm which had just started to fall all around him while he was walking home from school.
1. An earnest or eager desire for some type of achievement or distinction: Ambitions involve the longing for power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment.
2. The object, state, goal, or result aspired or sought after: To be a professional baseball player has been Jim's life-time ambition.
3. A need or urge for an activity: Jerry and Jane have no ambition to go dancing this evening; so, they are staying home.
2. The object, state, goal, or result aspired or sought after: To be a professional baseball player has been Jim's life-time ambition.
3. A need or urge for an activity: Jerry and Jane have no ambition to go dancing this evening; so, they are staying home.
Word History
Even in ancient Rome candidates for public office went around soliciting votes. This activity was indicated by the word ambitio, "a going about, going around".
Ambitio was derived from ambire, "to go about", which in turn was formed from amb-, "about", and ire, "to go". Since this activity indicated a desire for honor or power, the word ambitio came to mean the desire for official honors.
This word was borrowed in French and English as ambition, and its meaning broadened to denote the earnest desire for achievement.
Ambition is what will get a young man to the top if the boss has no daughter.
ambitious (am BISH uhs) (adjective), more ambitious, most ambitious
1. Pertaining to a strong feeling of wanting to be successful in life and to achieve great things: Patrick was very ambitious and wanted to become a pilot ever since he was 9 years old and he succeeded in doing it!
2. A reference to an aim or objective that someone is trying to attain or to accomplish: The teacher, Mr. Evans, told his classes that ambitious students make the best grades
2. A reference to an aim or objective that someone is trying to attain or to accomplish: The teacher, Mr. Evans, told his classes that ambitious students make the best grades

The scheme, or master plan, of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to build five new cities gives the term ambitious a new meaning.
1. A description of someone who has an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction; such as, power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment.
2. In a manner showing the desire for personal advancement and may suggest equally a praiseworthy desire.
2. In a manner showing the desire for personal advancement and may suggest equally a praiseworthy desire.
1. An act or instance of going or moving around.
2. A circular journey or one which begins and ends at the same place; around.
3. A roundabout journey or course.
4. A periodical journey from place to place, to perform certain duties, as by judges who hold court, ministers who preach, or salespeople covering a route.
5. The route followed, places visited, or districts covered by people who make journeys to perform their duties.
6. The line going around or bounding any area or object; the distance around an area or object.
7. The space within a bounding line or district: "The circuit of the valley was a beautiful drive."
8. In the electrical field, an electric circuit or the complete path of an electric current, including the generating apparatus, intervening resistors, or capacitors.
9. In telecommunications, a means of transmitting communication signals or messages, usually consisting of two channels for interactive communication.
10. A number of theaters, nightclubs, etc., controlled by the same owner or manager or visited in turn by the same entertainers or acting companies.
11. Etymology: from about 1382, Old French circuit, from Latin circuitus, "a going around", from the stem of circuire, circumire, "to go around", from circum, "around" + -ire, "to go".
2. A circular journey or one which begins and ends at the same place; around.
3. A roundabout journey or course.
4. A periodical journey from place to place, to perform certain duties, as by judges who hold court, ministers who preach, or salespeople covering a route.
5. The route followed, places visited, or districts covered by people who make journeys to perform their duties.
6. The line going around or bounding any area or object; the distance around an area or object.
7. The space within a bounding line or district: "The circuit of the valley was a beautiful drive."
8. In the electrical field, an electric circuit or the complete path of an electric current, including the generating apparatus, intervening resistors, or capacitors.
9. In telecommunications, a means of transmitting communication signals or messages, usually consisting of two channels for interactive communication.
10. A number of theaters, nightclubs, etc., controlled by the same owner or manager or visited in turn by the same entertainers or acting companies.
11. Etymology: from about 1382, Old French circuit, from Latin circuitus, "a going around", from the stem of circuire, circumire, "to go around", from circum, "around" + -ire, "to go".
circuitous (adjective), more circuitous, most circuitous
1. Pertaining to or taking a roundabout, lengthy course: The speaker spoke in a circuitous manner which ended in multitudinous arguments.
2. Regarding a deviation from a straight course or a direct procedure: Betty's father took a circuitous drive to avoid the rush-hour traffic.

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2. Regarding a deviation from a straight course or a direct procedure: Betty's father took a circuitous drive to avoid the rush-hour traffic.

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circuitously (adverb), more circuitously, most circuitously
1. A reference to a long and winding way.
2. Descriptive of responding indirectly or not to the point.
2. Descriptive of responding indirectly or not to the point.
Winding, indirect, meandering, or rambling.
concomitantly (adverb)
"Learning and living go on concomitantly."
"It may be a rare occurrence, but sometimes snow, rain, and sleet will all come down concomitantly."
count (person)
1. A nobleman in some European countries, of a rank equal to that of a British earl.
2. Etymology: "a title of nobility"; 1258, from Old French conte, from Latin comitem, comes, "companion, attendant"; literally, "someone who goes with"; the Roman term for a provincial governor, from com-, "with" + ire, "to go".
2. Etymology: "a title of nobility"; 1258, from Old French conte, from Latin comitem, comes, "companion, attendant"; literally, "someone who goes with"; the Roman term for a provincial governor, from com-, "with" + ire, "to go".
1. The wife, or widow, of a count or earl.
2. A woman who holds the rank of count or earl.
2. A woman who holds the rank of count or earl.