(Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged in; someone who does something)
Someone who specializes in the medical treatment of animals; more commonly
known as a veterinarian.
A scientist specializing in the discipline of zoology; an expert in zoology: Mary's uncle wanted to become a zoologist so he had to study zoology in order to focus on this field of science and do research in this area.
A person who thinks animal behavior is a means of predicting future events: Mary's uncle, a zoomantist, believed that a storm was approaching when Toby, his cat, hid under the bed and wouldn't come out to eat.
A specialist who uses statistical methods in the study of animals: Mr. Anderson was a zoometrist, or an expert, in the field of applied mathematics involving the collection and interpretation of data in the survey of faunae.
A specialist in the laws of animal life: Tommy wanted to become a zoonomist who deals with the facts and marvels of the lives of faunae.
A specialist in the diseases of animals: Jim's father was a zoonosologist who classified the disorders and illnesses of animals.
Someone who is a specialist in the subject of the way animals make progress from one position to another one: A zoopraxographist studies and records the various ways certain animals walk and run.
A person who believes a god is in the form of an animal: A zoothiest is an individual who worships animal deities.
A person who is involved with the anatomy of animals: Dr. Smith, a zootomist, was in the lab and dissecting the body of a pig and preparing it for his lecture in zootomy.
Someone who specializes in the branch of chemistry concerned with fermentation: A zymologist is skilled in making wine, brewing, or distilling alcoholic beverages and so it is necessary that he or she has a knowledge of the techniques in the breaking down of organic substances into simpler ones.