(Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged in; someone who does something)
A lover of, or a fondness for truth: Tom's grandmother certainly was a philalethist because she always knew when he wasn’t being honest as a child, so she put a great amount of emphasis on being truthful and sincere herself and expected this from others as well.

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Someone who has a strong love or fondness for men (not mankind, but men!).
One who collects matchbooks or matchboxes: As a phillumenist, Max was constantly looking for those little folded cards containing paper matches, and the best ones were from different places in the world!
Anyone who collects matchboxes and matchbooks as a hobby: As a phillumenist, Max was constantly looking for anything related to matches that are used for making fire with friction.
As a youth, Charles collected vesuvian (slow-burning matches formerly used for lighting cigars) and fusee (a friction match with a large head capable of burning in a wind) boxes and books; and then, as an adult phillumenist, he attended international trade shows with his collections.
Use of the internet has made it possible for phillumenists around the world to collaborate and to help new generations of phillumenists share a variety of lucifer-related (friction-match) items for their collections.
A lover of books; bibliophile: Gary's parents called him a philobiblist because he spent all of his free time reading books, and not fiddling with his iPhone!
Somebody who loves beauty or is fond of beautiful things: Ruth was a philocalist and never acquired anything that wasn't exquisite and pleasing to her eye.
Someone who loves playing with cubes which are usually made of plastic and have from one up to six dots on each of their six square sides: In the evenings after work, Jack, who was a philocubist, often played dice with his friends and he was so successful at winning that he even participated in dice tournaments!

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One who has a special fondness for trees: Since Jane was a little girl she was a philodendrist and her love of trees as an adult didn't subside. She planted many trees in her garden and went on long walks in the forest many times a month.
Someone who has a fondness and a love for tabbies: Rene's grandmother is an example of a philofelinist who always had an abnormal number of alley cats, calico cats, and tomcats living with her.

Someone who is overly fond of food: Chuck knew a man who was especially greedy for more and more food, and he ate many times a day. His acquaintances termed him as being a philogastrist, and he became extremely obese just in a few months.
One who has a special fondness for women as a group: Jack, as a philogynist, took part in the march that took place on the International Women's Day in his city.
A person who studies written records, especially literary texts, in order to determine their authenticity, meaning, etc.: Originally, a philologist was one who loved literature and learning, and was dedicated to classical scholarship.
A person who loves myths, symbols, and legends: Mrs. Thompson adored reading tales, fables, and fairy tales and was noted among her friends as being a philomythist.
One who loves trends and fads: In comparison to a misoneist, who dislikes the most recent innovations and novelties, a philoneist is a person who is an obsessed follower of the newest fashions and latest vogue.
A seeker of knowledge: Finn, a philonoist, was always reading scientific books and other non-fictional literature about hir favorite topic of dinosaurs.