(Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged in; someone who does something)
1. A specialist in the study of snakes.
2. Someone who is versed in the natural history of serpents.
2. Someone who is versed in the natural history of serpents.
Someone who tells the future, or past, by observing snakes.
Someone who has a special fondness for snakes and other reptiles; ophiophile: As am ophiophilist, Mr. Timmons read a lo about snakes and usually went to the zoo particularly to see the different kinds of serpents and ophidians, like the constrictor.

A collector of snake skins: Tim's neighbor was a ophisophilist who saved the skins of snakes because he believed that they brought prosperity, good luck, and protected him against evil spirits!
1. A physician who specializes in the care and treatment of the eyes: Marie was having trouble seeing things clearly from long distances so she made an appointment with an ophthalmologist to get the kind of eyeglasses that would help her have better vision.
2. Etymology: from Greek opthalmos, “eye" + -logia, "the study of".

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2. Etymology: from Greek opthalmos, “eye" + -logia, "the study of".

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A person who takes advantage of situations or events, having no thought or consideration for the effects that might take place: Maxine is an opportunist who is always trying to sit in the front row whenever the governor is speaking.
A collector of eye glasses: Sally had an interesting hobby of saving optical instruments with frames used for correcting defective eyesight. As an opticophilist, she had some modern dark glasses or sunglasses, some bifocals, and pince-nez ones that were very old!
1. Someone who believes that the best can and will take place.
2. A person who tends to expect that good things will happen.
3. Somebody who tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes.
4. Anyone who looks on the bright side of things, or takes hopeful views; as opposed to a pessimist.
2. A person who tends to expect that good things will happen.
3. Somebody who tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes.
4. Anyone who looks on the bright side of things, or takes hopeful views; as opposed to a pessimist.
A health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services:
- To examine and diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal diseases and, in certain states in the U.S., to treat them.
- To diagnose related systemic (bodywide) conditions such as hypertension and diabetes that may affect the eyes.
- To examine, to diagnose, and to treat visual conditions; such as, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.
- To prescribe glasses, contact lenses, low vision rehabilitation, and medications; as well as, to perform minor surgical procedures; such as, the removal of foreign bodies.
1. Relating to or advocating oralism.
2. A profoundly deaf person who uses speech and lip-reading to communicate, rather than by using sign language.
2. A profoundly deaf person who uses speech and lip-reading to communicate, rather than by using sign language.
A cultivator of orchids (flowers); an orchid fancier.
One who studies plant and animal organs.
A person who is versed in the scientific study of the members of the class of Aves, including warblers, eagles, jays, owls, wildfowl, doves, etc.: The National Audubon Society, founded in 1905, has been focusing on wildlife throughout the years; especially, birds and it was named after the ornithologist, John James Audubon.

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