-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
xerotropism, xerotropic
An orientation response of plants to desiccation (dryness).
The misuse of military power or authority; aggression, bullying.
zelotism, zealotism
Action, thought, or feeling characteristic of a zealot; zealotry.
1. The view of human behavior in terms of the behavior of animals: Zoomorphism refers especially to the principle that human actions are entirely the result of biological and instinctual drives rather than reason or emotion.
2. The fact of conceiving or representing a deity as having an animal form: In ancient Egyptian religion, gods were portrayed in an animal form, which shows it being not only a piece of art, but also important in a religious context, and known as zoomorphism.
3. The attribution of animal characteristics or qualities to a god: Airavata is the king god of elephants which appears in Indian mythology and is another example of zoomorphism.
4. The use of animal forms in symbolism, literature, or graphic representation: Zoomorphism, for example, is found in Islamic art.
2. The fact of conceiving or representing a deity as having an animal form: In ancient Egyptian religion, gods were portrayed in an animal form, which shows it being not only a piece of art, but also important in a religious context, and known as zoomorphism.
3. The attribution of animal characteristics or qualities to a god: Airavata is the king god of elephants which appears in Indian mythology and is another example of zoomorphism.
4. The use of animal forms in symbolism, literature, or graphic representation: Zoomorphism, for example, is found in Islamic art.
The process of having pleasure by being cruel to animals.
The belief that an animal is a god and the worship of that animal: Zootheism is the attribution of a deity or holiness to animals.

People are worshiping a golden bull which is just one example of many similar zootheistic religions from the past and in the present.
Poisoning due to ingestion of contaminated food of animal origin: After Timothy ate dinner that was made with some fish that was on the counter for a couple of days, he suddenly got very sick, had to go to hospital, and was treated for a case of zootrophotoxism!
1. A condition of certain climbing birds, having the toes of each foot arranged in pairs, with two toes in front and two behind: After reading about zygodactylism in her biology book, Jane found out that woodpeckers, owls and most parrots have such toe arrangements.
2. This term is sometimes used to designate simple syndactyly (webbing between adjacent digits so they are more or less completely attached), as distinguished from syndactyly in which there is bony fusion between the phalanges of the digits involved and usually occurring in the hand between the third and fourth digits and in the foot between the fourth and fifth.
2. This term is sometimes used to designate simple syndactyly (webbing between adjacent digits so they are more or less completely attached), as distinguished from syndactyly in which there is bony fusion between the phalanges of the digits involved and usually occurring in the hand between the third and fourth digits and in the foot between the fourth and fifth.
The characteristic of an organism in which its parts are divisible lengthwise into similar or symmetrical halves: Zygomorphism is the state of symmetrical bilateralism in which both sides mirror each other to a great extent.