-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
The practice of engaging in three-party relations, agreements, or negotiations.
1. A condition in which there are three distinct forms; such as, a plant or an insect.
2. Existence under three forms, as in holometabolous insects that pass through larval, pupal, and imago stages.
2. Existence under three forms, as in holometabolous insects that pass through larval, pupal, and imago stages.
A system of nomenclature, as in biological classification, involving the use of trinomial terms.
A condition in which there are three testes.
Belief in three gods, especially the belief or doctrine that the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit consist of three distinct divinities or three separate gods: Because her neighbors were sensitive about religious matters, Dahlia did not tell them about her belief in tritheism.
The habit of dwelling in grottos or small caves: In the winter, several kinds of bats exist in habitats of troglodytisms as they hibernate there in huge colonies.
Chemotaxis of living cells in relation to nutritive material; it may be positive (toward nutritive material) or negative (away from nutritive material).
The turning of an organism in response to a stimulus, either towards or away from the stimulus.
1. A theory that regards things that happen without being planned or expected as objective realities: There are frequent debates among scientists over the theory of tychism, such as variations or changes based on chance concerning the theory of evolution, and the gradual changes and developments over time.
2. Etymology: Coined by the U.S. Logician, mathematician, and physician, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914).
2. Etymology: Coined by the U.S. Logician, mathematician, and physician, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914).
Distention of the abdomen, due to the presence of gas, or air, in the intestine or in the peritoneal cavity, as in peritonitis and typhoid fever.
Poisoning produced by cheese or a related milk product.
The Christian belief, held particularly by the Lutheran Church, that Jesus Christ is present in all places and at all times, not just in the Eucharist.
1. Any theory approving of immoderate and uncompromising policies; especially, in politics or government: In his history book, Ralf read about the abolitionists and their ultraism in their cause against slavery in the U.S. in the 19th century.
2. Rules or standards set by people who uphold radical or drastic measures: Timothy was interested in the writing style showing the aspects of ultraism, as in the avoidance of sentimentalism in literature..
3. Etymology: from Latin alteri, "other"; from ultra, "beyond, on the other side of" + -ism, "action or process".

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2. Rules or standards set by people who uphold radical or drastic measures: Timothy was interested in the writing style showing the aspects of ultraism, as in the avoidance of sentimentalism in literature..
3. Etymology: from Latin alteri, "other"; from ultra, "beyond, on the other side of" + -ism, "action or process".