(Latin: no, not [ig-, il-, im-, ir-])
This in-, "not", becomes i- before gn, as with "ignore"; il- before l, as with illiterate; im- before b, m; and p, as with imbalance, immiscible, impecunious; and ir- before r, as with irrefragable.
Don't confuse this Latin prefix, in-1, meaning "not", with another Latin prefix in-2 meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".
improbable (adjective), more improbable, most improbable
1. Unlikely to take place, to be true, or to happen: It is improbable that the temperature will be 30°C. and hot the next day taking into consideration that it is presently -10°C. and snowing heavily at the moment!
3. Too far-fetched to be considered believable: It is really rather improbable that Tom's parents are millionaires considering that they live in a disreputable part of town!
3. Too far-fetched to be considered believable: It is really rather improbable that Tom's parents are millionaires considering that they live in a disreputable part of town!
inaccurate (adjective), more inaccurate, most inaccurate
inactive (adjective), more inactive, most inactive
1. Regarding something that is temporarily or permanently not operating: Lynn's user account is inactive at the moment, and if she doesn't use it within a certain amount of time it will be deleted.
2. Concerning a person or animal that is not taking part in a physical pursuit: Some animals are inactive in the winter and hibernate until spring time.
3. Referring to a person who is retired from his or her job: When Mrs. Low turned 62, she decided to be pensioned off or become inactive in her place of work.
2. Concerning a person or animal that is not taking part in a physical pursuit: Some animals are inactive in the winter and hibernate until spring time.
3. Referring to a person who is retired from his or her job: When Mrs. Low turned 62, she decided to be pensioned off or become inactive in her place of work.
incorrect (adjective), more incorrect, most incorrect
1. A reference to wrong or inaccurate responses: Sometimes the details printed in the newspapers are incorrect and so it is known as "fake news", presenting the readers with inaccurate or false information.
2. Descriptive of inappropriate or improper behavior: Because of Jack’s incorrect conduct at school, his parents were called for a talk with the principal.
2. Descriptive of inappropriate or improper behavior: Because of Jack’s incorrect conduct at school, his parents were called for a talk with the principal.
indispose (verb), indisposes; indisposed; indisposing
1. To make unwell, unfit for, or not interested in doing something: Mr. Deal, the principal, was indisposed to meet with the parents who were complaining about the school policies.
2. To cause someone to be averse or unwilling to do something: The disorganized results of the revolution were indisposing the people to such a degree that they were no longer willing to support the rebels.
2. To cause someone to be averse or unwilling to do something: The disorganized results of the revolution were indisposing the people to such a degree that they were no longer willing to support the rebels.
indisposed (adjective), more indisposed, most indisposed
1. Descriptive of being slightly ill or not feeling well: Nicole's indisposed sister didn't feel like going to school today.
2. Relating to being unwilling or not likely to do something: The mayor, Mr. Smith, had an indisposed reputation of not admitting that he was involved in drug use until it was proven by a police video.

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2. Relating to being unwilling or not likely to do something: The mayor, Mr. Smith, had an indisposed reputation of not admitting that he was involved in drug use until it was proven by a police video.

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A kind of illness; especially, one that makes a person incapable of doing something: Mrs. Lawson's indisposedness made it necessary for the class to have a substitute instructor for the next few days.
An illness that is not severe; a reluctance or disinclination to do something: Janet's indisposition kept her home from school for three days.
irregular (adjective), more irregular, most irregular
1. Referring to something taking place at inconsistent times: Since Jane's health wasn't good and she suffered from irregular heartbeats, she had to go to hospital for treatment.
2. Pertaining to something that is not smooth or straight, and lacks a regular pattern: The blue paint on the walls of the bedroom seemed to dry in irregular blotches.
3. Regarding a person's conduct that is not in agreement with accepted rules or norms: The former senator was accused of irregular and illegal financial transactions.
4. Descriptive of troops that are not part of an authorised army: Jim read in the newspaper article that there were 30 irregular armed units that were participating in the battle.
2. Pertaining to something that is not smooth or straight, and lacks a regular pattern: The blue paint on the walls of the bedroom seemed to dry in irregular blotches.
3. Regarding a person's conduct that is not in agreement with accepted rules or norms: The former senator was accused of irregular and illegal financial transactions.
4. Descriptive of troops that are not part of an authorised army: Jim read in the newspaper article that there were 30 irregular armed units that were participating in the battle.
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