ami-, amic-
(Latin: friend, friendly; loveable; goodwill, cordial; peaceful relations)
The words in this "friend" unit are directly related to the "love" or the amo- unit.
inimically (adverb), more inimically, most inimically
unamiable (adjective), more unamiable, most unamiable
Not likable; neither sociable nor friendly: Kitty, the new girl in class, seemed so unsympathetic und unamiable in the beginning, but after a while she was very obliging and agreeable.
unamiably (adverb), more unamiably, most unamiably
Characterizing how a person has a hostile or unpleasant nature: Mr. Bottom was described as an unamiably and disagreeably old man.
Via amicabili.
In a friendly way.
Showing page 2 out of 2 pages of 19 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups.