-ics, -tics [-ac after i]

(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)

1. The science concerned with the neural mechanisms underlying the comprehension, production, and abstract knowledge or spoken, signed, or written language.
2. The branch of linguistics that explores how the brain encodes language.
3. The branch of medical science concerned with the neuroanatomical basis of speech and its disorders.
An integration of systems containing electronic analog circuits that mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system.
The science of understanding; intellectual science.
nootropics, nootropes
1. Cognitive enhancers; such as, mind drugs.
2. Popularly referred to as "smart drugs," they are substances which boost human cognitive abilities (the functions and capacities of the brain).

Typically, nootropics work by increasing the brain's supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones), by improving the brain's oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth.

With a few notable exceptions, nootropics have very low or no toxicity, making overdose unlikely. Most have few or no side effects, and many nootropics potentiate each other.

obstetrics (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. The branch of medical science concerned with pregnancy and childbirth: Grace decided she wanted to become a midwife and so she centered her studies on obstetrics and gynaecology.
2. Etymology: from about 1819, from obstetric, 1742; from Modern Latin obstetricus, "pertaining to a midwife"; from obstetrix (genitive of obstetricis), "midwife". Literally, "one who stands opposite (the woman giving birth)"; from obstare, "to stand opposite to".
The treatment of diseases of the eyes.
Birth control by means of contraceptives.
The art of interpreting dreams.
1. The study and history of names.
2. The study of the origin, history, and use of proper names.
ophthalmiatry, ophthalmiatrics
1. Medical treatment of the eyes or ocular diseases.
2. A reference to ocular therapeutics.
1. The branch of physics that deals with light and vision; primarily, the generation, propagation, and detection of electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths greater than x-rays and shorter than microwaves.
2. When referring to a singular noun, it means, the study of light or electromagnetic radiation in the visible, infrared, and ultraviolet regions.
3. As a plural noun, it refers to instruments used for detecting electromagnetic radiation and for attaining highly accurate long-range vision.
A branch of electronics dealing with solid-state and other electronic devices for generating, modulating, transmitting, and sensing electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet, visible-light, and infrared portions of the spectrum.
The science of isolating and communicating with specific types of neurons using light with a combination of optics and genetics that may allow neuroscientists to identify and to control brain circuits with greater precision.

Because of specialized hardware applications which need to be developed, it may be many years before optogenetics can offer a reliable diagnosis, much less any definitive cure for Parkinson’s disease or any other major brain illness or disorder.

—Compiled from information presented by
"A Light in the Brain" by Gary Stix in Scientific American;
January, 2010; pages 10 & 11.
"A healthy future for optogenetics" by Jeff Bairstow;
in the Laser Focus World; August 1, 2009.