-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
The process of growing plants without soil: Hydroponics can take place in beds of sand, gravel, or similar supporting material flooded with nutrient solutions.
Hydroponics can also refer to the cultivation of plants in a nutrient liquid with or without gravel or another supporting medium.
1. The science of pressures and levels in water and hence in liquids generally.
2. The study of liquids at rest and the forces exerted on them or by them.
3. The study of liquids at rest as well as the forces and pressures associated with them.
2. The study of liquids at rest and the forces exerted on them or by them.
3. The study of liquids at rest as well as the forces and pressures associated with them.
hydrotherapy, hydrotherapeutics
1. Treatment of an illness with water by external application, either for its pressure effect or as a means of applying physical energy to the tissues.
2. The external application of water; such as, in warm baths to relax or with cold compresses to reduce fevers.
2. The external application of water; such as, in warm baths to relax or with cold compresses to reduce fevers.
The science that deals with the origins, structures, and various other features of all forms of precipitation or rain fall.
Hygienic subjects or matters.
A branch of meteorology that involves the study of the movements of water substances in the atmosphere.
The application of controlled suggestion and hypnosis to the practice of dentistry.
1. An extreme emotional display; such as, a fit of laughing, crying, or anger.
2. A popular term for an uncontrollable emotional outburst.
2. A popular term for an uncontrollable emotional outburst.
iatraliptic, iatraliptics
1. An obsolete term denoting treatment by inunction (administration of a drug
in ointment form by rubbing to cause absorption of the active ingredient).
2. Relating to the administration of medicinal substances by surface applications to the skin.
2. Relating to the administration of medicinal substances by surface applications to the skin.
iatromathematical, iatromathematics
1. Practicing medicine in conjunction with astrology.
2. Relating to or holding a mathematical theory of medicine; applied to a school of physicians that arose in Italy in the 17th century, whose system of physiology and medicine was founded on the principles of mathematics and mechanics.
2. Relating to or holding a mathematical theory of medicine; applied to a school of physicians that arose in Italy in the 17th century, whose system of physiology and medicine was founded on the principles of mathematics and mechanics.
1. Physics as applied to medicine or of medical and surgical treatment.
2. The treatment of diseases by physical or mechanical means; physiatrics.
3. Physics combined with medicine; a reference to a school of medicine of the 17th century that explained disease and the activities of the body in terms of physics rather than of chemistry.
2. The treatment of diseases by physical or mechanical means; physiatrics.
3. Physics combined with medicine; a reference to a school of medicine of the 17th century that explained disease and the activities of the body in terms of physics rather than of chemistry.
iatrotechnique, iatrotechnic, iatrotechnics
1. The art of medicine and surgery.
2. The technique or mode of application of medical science.
2. The technique or mode of application of medical science.
iconogenetics (s) (noun)
A reference to the origins of images or statues.
A system of beliefs in psychology emphasizing the role of the personality in choosing stimuli and in organizing responses.
A discipline at the intersection of bioinformatics and biology that deals with studying both the interactions and the consequences of those interactions between and among proteins, and other molecules within a cell of the body.