
(Greek > Latin: a suffix that forms nouns; state of, condition of, quality of; act of)

A noun suffix that has restricted applications in the following fields

  • Names of countries; such as, Australia, Tasmania, et al.
  • Names of diseases; such as, hydrophobia, mania, hyperalgia, hysteria, pneumonia, et al.
  • Names of chemical alkaloids; such as, aconitia, atropia, conia, morphia, strychinia, et al.
  • Names of flowers from the names of the discoverer or the person who introduced the flower; such as, Dahlia, Wisteria, Fuchsia, Zinnia, et al.
  • Names of classes and orders in botany and zoology; such as, Mammalia, Reptilia, Amphibia, et al.
  • Names of collective nouns; such as, academia, militaria, suburbia, etc.
  • Names of things relating to something; such as, pedodontia, orthodontia, psychedelia, telesthesia, et al.
  • Plurals of Latin and Greek nouns that end with -ion, -ium, -um; such as, paraphernalia, regalia, saturnalia, Mammalia, etc.
alexia (s) (noun), alexias (pl)
1. A neurologic disorder marked by loss of the ability to understand written or printed language, usually resulting from a brain lesion or a congenital defect: Alexia is also called "word blindness", "text blindness", and "visual aphasia".

In addition to the previous applicable terms for the word alexia, research has also provided us with "optical alexia", "sensory alexia", and "visual alexia"; however, it is not the same as "motor alexia" (anarthria), in which there is a loss of the power to read out loud although the significance of what is written or printed may be understood.

2. A disorder in reading ability: Alexia is differentiated from dyslexia, which is a developmental problem in reading.

Strictly speaking, lexus and its derivatives refer to speech, not reading, because they are based on the Greek verb legein, "to speak", and not on the Latin verb legere, "to read". Current usage of alexia appears to reflect an etymological error that has been accepted for so long that to insist on correcting it might be useless.

—Compiled from information located in the
Psychiatric Dictionary, 7th Ed., Robert J. Campbell, M.D.;
Oxford University Press; New York; 1996; page 30.
1. A being that lives either in water or on land, or is equally at home in either element.
2. A class of quadruped vertebrates containing frogs, newts, salamanders, toads, caecilians, and many fossil groups.

They have skin glandular without epidermal scales, feathers, or hairs with a tail present primitively but lost in some groups. They have limbs or girdles reduced or absent in some forms. Eggs are anamniotic, primitively laid in water with external fertilization. Tadpole larvae posses gills and open gill slits. Ovoviviparity and viviparity are exhibited by some species and these vertebrates contain a single extant subclass called Lissamphibia.

anemia (s) (noun), anemias (pl)
A condition in which a person's blood does not have enough red corpuscles; the severity of which is usually determined by how much the red blood cells have been decreased because when there is inadequate hemoglobin (iron-containing pigments of the red blood cells), all parts of the body receive less oxygen and have less energy than is normally needed to function properly: The results of the blood work done by Dr. Nelson indicated that Lora was suffering from anemia.

The degree of anemia in Percy alarmed the doctor and so she prescribed medications.

Many people who are suffering from various degrees of anemia are often pale, lifeless, and lacking in energy or vitality.

Lacking vigor or vitality.
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Painful or difficult bowel movements.
1. An ancient region of central Europe north of the Danube and east of the Rhine which was never under Roman control.
2. A part of the Roman Empire west of the Rhine River corresponding to present-day northeast France, sections of Belgium, and the Netherlands.
paraphernalia (pl) (noun) (a plural used with singular and plural verbs)
Personal items or sets of equipment, belongings, or property which are used for particular functions: Circuses have special paraphernalia for their performances; including, ropes, horses, cages for the animals, special clothes, etc..
Pieces of equipment for special applications.
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Personal belongings to be used for particular situations.
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