hypo-, hyp-
(Greek: under, below, beneath; less than; too little; deficient, diminished; used as a prefix)
2. A mutant gene that shows only a partial reduction in the activity it influences.
2. An upward bending of leaves or other plant parts, resulting from growth of the lower side.
In plant physiology, the state in which more vigorous growth occurs in the lower surface of an organ, such as a young fern frond, causing an upward curvature.
"When a person has hyponatremia, there is a loss of sodium which is essential for many body functions including the maintenance of fluid balance, regulation of blood pressure, and normal function of the nervous system; and when it is severe, it can lead to confusion and seizures."
A claw is a pointed curved nail on the end of each toe in birds, some reptiles, and some mammals.
2. A term that denotes a subcategory of a more general class; such as, "chair" and "table" are hyponyms of furniture.
A word that has a more specific meaning than another term; for example, in the relationship between woman and humans, "woman" is a hyponym; in the relationship between cat and animal, "cat" is a hyponym.
Coined in 1963 by John Lyons, hyponym is supposed to describe an important notion which is central to the way we define meanings in terms of lexical structures.
People often construct meanings in terms of a hierarchy of categories, ranging from the generic, technically called the hypernym, literally "the word above"; to a subsidiary or hyponym, literally, "the word below".
"Cat" is a hyponym of animal, although all cats are animals, all animals are not cats. "French" is a hyponym of languages; and "square" is a hyponym of rectangle; also, the words "tulip" and "rose" are hyponyms of flower.