Word Unit:
luto-, lut-, luv-, lu- (Latin: wash, clean; washing of water against the shore; a flood)
Word Unit:
luxur- (Latin: excess, excessive, have to excess; abundant, abundance; grow profusely, profuseness)
Word Unit:
lygo-, lyg- + (Greek: shadow, shadowy; shade, darkness; twilight; gloomy)
Word Unit:
lymph-, lympho- (Greek: water, yellowish fluid; connected with, or containing, lymph, a transparent fluid that is derived from body tissue and conveyed to the bloodstream by the lymphatic vessels)
Word Unit:
lyso-, lyo-, -lysin, -lys-, -lysis, -lytic, -lyt-, -lyz- (Greek: lyein [LYOO ayn], "to loosen"; loosening, dissolving, dissolution)
Word Unit:
lysso-, lyss-, lyssa-, lytta- (Greek: madness, fury, rage, frenzy; relationship to rabies)
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "anger, angry; rage, wrath, fury; rave": fur-, furi-; ira-; mania-; rab-, rav-.