haplo-, hapl-

(Greek: simple, simply; single, one, once)

haplobiont (s) (noun), haplobionts (pl)
1. A plant which flowers once per season.
2. An organism that does not exhibit a regular alternation of haploid and diploid generations during its life cycle.

A haploid is an organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes, ordinarily half the normal diploid number; while a diploid is an organism or cell having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number.

Haplocanthosaurus (s) (noun), Haplocanthosauria (pl)
A "single-spined (simple-spined) lizard" from Late Jurassic Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, USA. This creature was formerly known as Haplocanthus. It was found by paleontologist John Bell Hatcher in 1901 and named by him in 1903.
haplodermatitis, haplodermitis (s) (noun); haplodermatitises, haplodermatitides
Inflammation of the skin with no complications: "The doctor told his patient that she had a secondary infection known as haplodermatitis so her condition was not as serious as it could have been."
haplodiploidy (s) (noun), haplodiploidies (pl)
A genetic system which is found in some animals in which males develop from unfertilized eggs and are haploid, and females develop from fertilized eggs and are diploid; or an organism or cell that has two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number.
haplography (s) (noun), haplographies (pl)
1. The accidental contraction or omission in writing or copying of one or more adjacent and similar letters, syllables, words, or lines: Some examples of haplography include "philogy" for "philology" or "mispell" instead of "misspell".
2. Etymology: from Greek haplous, "single" + -graphy, "write".
1. Having only a single set of chromosomes.
2. Having the gametic chromosome number.

Each human gamete normally has twenty-three chromosomes, the haploid number of chromosomes, half the number of chromosomes contained in most types of cells in the body.

Male gametes are usually small and motile (spermatozoa), whereas female gametes (oocytes) are larger and nonmotile.

3. Having a single set of each chromosome in a cell or cell nucleus.

In most animals, only the gametes (reproductive cells) are haploid.

A reference to an organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes, ordinarily half the normal diploid number.
haplologic (adjective), more haplologic, most haplologic
A reference to leaving out letters, or syllables, that are supposed to be repeated in words when writing or speaking: When Sam wrote a letter to his friend, Sara, he spelled "exceed" as "exced" and "diferent" instead of "different"; both of which were confusing for her to read and understand.
haplology (s) (noun), haplologies (pl)
The accidental omission of one or more repeated letters, syllables, or sounds when speaking: Haplology causes a variety of mistaken forms occurring in English; for example, "probly" instead of "probably", "libry" for "library", and nesry, in place of "necessary".

Haplology takes place when someone "eats" a few letters while pronouncing a word.

The founding of a colony of social insects by a single fertile female.