glauc-, glauco- +

(Greek > Latin: a silvery color, or bluish green; gleaming, bright; gray)

absolute glaucoma (s) (noun), absolute glaucomas (pl)
Blindness that results from the increased pressure in the eyes and damage to the optic nerves: Although the composer was diagnosed with absolute glaucoma, she was determined it would not end her career.

Craig was afflicted with absolute glaucoma during the final years of his life.

aglaucopsia, aglaukopsia
Reduced capability, or the inability, to recognize green colors.
air-block glaucoma
Increased intraocular pressure due to interference with aqueous flow caused by a bubble of gas within the anterior chamber.
Preventing or alleviating glaucoma.
Having a somewhat glaucous appearance or nature; becoming glaucous.
An alkaloid obtained from the plant Glaucium, as a bitter, white, crystalline substance.
A metallic mineral having a grayish tin-white color, and containing cobalt and iron, with sulphur and arsenic.
glaucoma (glaw KOH muh)
1. A group of eye diseases characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure which causes pathological changes in the optic disk and typical defects in the field of vision.
2. A common eye condition in which the fluid pressure inside the eyes rises because of slowed fluid drainage from the eye.
3. Etymology: from Greek, gleaming, pale green, bluish green, gray, light-blue-eyed, gray-eyed.

It can be corrected by the use of laser light to punch a hole in the iris to relieve the intraocular pressure within the eye. The procedure is painless and requires no anaesthesia.

If untreated, it may damage the optic nerve and other parts of the eye, causing the loss of vision or even blindness.

The elderly, African-Americans, and people with family histories of the disease are at greatest risk. There are no symptoms in the early stage of glaucoma.

Glaucoma is often called "the sneak thief of sight". Often, by the time the patient notices vision loss, glaucoma can only be halted, not reversed.

There are different types of glaucoma, including open-angle glaucoma and acute angle-closure glaucoma.

Open-angle glaucoma is the common adult-onset type of glaucoma. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a less common form of glaucoma but one that can rapidly impair vision.

The treatment of glaucoma may include medication, surgery, or laser surgery. Eyedrops or pills alone can usually control glaucoma, although they cannot cure it.

Some drugs are designed to reduce pressure by slowing the flow of fluid into the eye, while others help to improve fluid drainage.

In laser surgery for glaucoma, a laser beam of light is focused on the part of the anterior chamber where the fluid leaves the eye.

This results in a series of small changes, making it easier for fluid to exit. Over time, the effect of laser surgery may wear off.

A description of increased intraocular pressure associated with evidence of cyclitis (inflammation of the ciliary body or the ring-shaped part at the front of the eye that connects the pigmented layer choroid of the eyeball with the iris diaphragm).

It also contains the ciliary muscle, which alters the curvature of the eye lens.

Having the nature of glaucoma or associated with increased intraocular pressure.
A greenish mineral of the mica group, a hydrous silicate of potassium, iron, aluminum, or magnesium, found in greensand and used as a fertilizer and water softener.

Greensand is a variety of sandstone, usually imperfectly consolidated, consisting largely of glauconite, a silicate of iron and potash of a green color, mixed with sand and a trace of phosphate of lime.

A mineral of a dark bluish color, related to amphibole. It is characteristic of certain crystalline rocks.
Blindness caused by increased intraocular pressure, or glaucoma; a group of eye diseases characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure which causes pathological changes in the optic disk and typical defects in the field of vision.
1. A description of plants or fruit that are covered in a grayish, whitish, or bluish waxy or powdery substance.
2. A reference to a dull grayish green or blue color.
3. In botany, covered with a grayish, bluish, or whitish waxy coating or bloom that is easily rubbed off; such as, glaucous leaves or fruit.
A genus of nudibranchiate mollusks, found in the warmer latitudes, swimming in the open sea.

These mollusks are beautifully colored with blue and silvery white.