gastr-, gastro-, gaster-, gastero-, gastri-, -gastria-
(Greek: stomach, belly)
gastronomic (adjective), more gastronomic, most gastronomic
Descriptive of the art and skill of preparing and serving good food and the pleasure of eating such meals: On their trip through France, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson enjoyed a variety of gastronomic delights including cheeses, wines, and meals while traveling from one city to the next one.

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1. The skill of preparing and eating good food: Joe spent a lot of time in the kitchen experimenting with combining different spices with his cooking and so he was able to present meals that could exceed almost everyone else who was involved with gastronomy!
2. The study of the relationship between food and other cultures: Since Susi always helped her father in the kitchen when he cooked, she thought that she would like to go to the academy in France to learn the art of their style of gastronomy and become a famous cook!

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2. The study of the relationship between food and other cultures: Since Susi always helped her father in the kitchen when he cooked, she thought that she would like to go to the academy in France to learn the art of their style of gastronomy and become a famous cook!

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Any disease of the stomach: Gastropathy is a general term for any kind of illness in the stomach area, including gastritis, gastroparesis, and assorted kinds of cancers.
gastropericardial fistula
A passageway between the stomach and the pericardial sac (that surrounds the heart).
Attachment of the stomach to the abdominal wall or diaphragm (thin muscle below the lungs and heart that separates the chest from the abdomen).
Someone who loves and pampers his stomach with good eating: Since Greg and his wife had an extreme weakness for the finest foods, they always went to the best restaurants where they, as gastrophiles, could indulge in the best meals.

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gastrophrenia, gastrophrenic
A reference to the stomach and to the diaphragm.
gastroplastic surgery