alopec- +

(Greek > Latin: fox; baldness; derived from "mange in foxes"; bald patches on the head)

Fox mange, a disease in which the hair falls out; absence of the hair from skin areas where it normally is present; especially, of the head.

Alopecia is one characteristic of mange. It affects both men and women of all ages.

Mange is defined as a contagious scabies-like dermatitis occurring in various animals, including cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, foxes, rabbits, rats, and gallinaceous birds (domestic fowls); caused by any of several of the mange mites.

alopecia areata
Loss of hair in sharply defined patches usually involving the scalp or beard.

A patch baldness that typically begins with rapid hair loss on certain areas of the scalp and sometimes it progresses to complete baldness and even loss of body hair.

Alopecia areata affects both males and females and, most often, children and young adults. It seems to be caused by the body's own immune system which attacks the hair follicles and disrupts normal hair formation.

The hair can sometimes regrow within a year without treatment; however, the longer the period of hair loss, the less chance that it will regrow.

alopecia capitis totalis (Latin term)
Translation: "Complete absence of hair from the scalp or the loss of all scalp hair; with normal hair elsewhere on the body remaining."
alopecia congenitalis
Baldness due to absence of hair bulbs at birth.
alopecia follicularis
Baldness due to inflammation of th hair follicles of the scalp.
alopecia liminaris
Loss of hair along the hairline, both front and back, of the scalp.
alopecia medicamentosa
Loss of hair due to the administration of certain medicines; especially, those containing cytotoxic agents.
alopecia pityroides
Loss of both scalp and body hair accompanied by desquamation of branlike scales.
alopecia prematura
Premature baldness.
alopecia symptomatica
Loss of hair after prolonged fevers or during the course of a disease and may result from systemic or psychogenic factors.
alopecia toxica
Loss of hair thought to be due to toxins of infectious disease.
alopecia universalis
Loss of hair from the entire body.
alopeciaphobia (s) (noun), alopeciaphobias (pl)
An angstĀ or dread of going bald: Robert was getting on in age and terribly distressed about losing the hair on his scalp and so, as a result of his alopeciaphobia, he was looking for a wig that would conceal his phalacrosis!
A reference to the loss of hair or wool or feathers.
1. A person who claims to prevent baldness.
2. A practitioner who tries to prevent or cure baldness.