frigo-, frig-

(Latin: cold, frost; freezing)

frigid (adjective), more frigid, most frigid
1. Very cold, with a very cold temperature: The frigid gusts of wind stung our faces.
2. Lacking emotional warmth, or without friendliness, or enthusiasm: Henry opened the elevator door for the couple with a frigid stare."

When Hank put his arm around his wife's shoulders, her reaction was frigid.

frigidarium (s) (noun), frigidaria (pl)
A pool used in the Roman baths that had cool water for a refreshing rinse after going through the hotter baths: The local health spa recently built a frigidarium to compliment their sauna services.
frigidesert (s) (noun), frigideserts (pl)
An open community of a cold arctic or an alpine region; tundra: A frigideserta is a flat and treeless biological Artic area.
frigidity (s) (noun), frigidities (pl)
1. Lack of affection, warmth, or enthusiasm: Mary's frigidity was a strong signal that he should not try to be romantic with her.
2. The state or condition of being very chilly or cold: The frigidity of the climate was more than she could endure.
frigidly (adverb), more frigidly, most frigidly
A description of how a person is without warmth or enthusiasm; frostily: He said frigidly, "Well, we will go in our car and not in yours because we don't want to be late."
frigidness (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. Very cold in temperature: The frigidness of the climate was not what we expected on our trip.
2. Without warmth of feeling; without ardor or enthusiasm: There was a frigidness in the reaction to the suggested new law.
3. Stiff or formal: The welcome that Sharon received was polite but had some frigidness, too.
4. Unemotional or unimaginative; lacking passion, sympathy, or sensitivity: At the funeral, the elderly Mrs. Thompson showed a lot of frigidness because she didn't like the deceased at all and wanted to go home as soon as possible.
frigolabile (adjective), more frigolabile, most frigolabile
Easily affected or injured by cold: Fresh lettuce is certainly frigolabile in that it it is unable to withstand very cold or low temperatures, wilts, and turns black!
frigophile (s) (noun), frigophiles (pl)
1. A form of life that favours or has a fondness for cold places: As a frigophile, Sally usually decided to spend her vacation time in the far north where the air was frosty and the ground covered with snow.
2. A person who prefers cold or cold things: Jane always had her food and drinks in the fridge because, as a frigophile she only wanted to eat frozen or at least cool food, and never warm or hot!
frigophobia (s) (noun) (no pl)
An extreme anxiety of being cold or freezing: People who are afflicted with frigophobia put on layers of very warm clothing and even blankets regardless of the temperature indicated at the place where they are.
frigorie (s) (noun), frigories (pl)
A power rating used in refrigeration, equivalent to the extraction equal to one calorie per hour: Jenny learned in class that frigorie was a unit of rate of the removal of heat that wa used in cooling units.
frigorific (noun), more frigorific, most frigorific
Referring to something that produces, or generates, extreme cold: Janet put her frozen peas that she bought into her new freezer, which was the most frigorific deep-freeze appliance she could find at the store.
frigorimeter (s) (noun), frigorimeters (pl)
An instrument designed specifically for the measurement of low temperatures: In class, Mr. Green showed the students a photo of a frigorimeter that could measure temperatures from about -38° to -70°C.
frigorism (s) (noun), frigorisms (pl)
Very poor blood circulation: Following Mr. Green's physical check-up at Dr. Smith's office, he was informed that he had a case of frigorism caused by long exposure to the cold weather, and without appropriate clothing, on his last vacation high in the Alps..
frigostabile (adjective), more frigostabile, most frigostabile
Referring to something that is able to withstand cold: The Inuits in Alaska certainly have frigostabile clothing that keep them warm in extremely cold weather in the far north above the Arctic Circle.
frigostable (adjective), more frigostable, most frigostable
Resistant to low temperatures or iciness: The coat Tony bought for his trip to Canada in the winter was of a frigostable fabric and could be washed easily.

Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); cryo-, kryo-; (cold, freezing); gel-, gelati- (freeze, frost, congeal); hiber- (winter, wintry); pago- (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).