frigo-, frig-
(Latin: cold, frost; freezing)
The use of cold in treatment of diseases: With the method of frigotherapy it is possible to reduce inflammation, alleviate sore muscles and tiredness.
1. A shudder or shiver, as of excitement, fear, or pleasure: A frisson is a brief intense reaction, usually a feeling of excitement, recognition, or terror, accompanied by a physical shudder or thrill.
2. Etymology: from Late 18th century via French, literally "shiver," from Latin frigere "to be cold".
2. Etymology: from Late 18th century via French, literally "shiver," from Latin frigere "to be cold".
Its relationship to cold, frigere, is based on the fact that when people are cold, they usually shiver.
1. A substance used in a heat cycle for cooling or freezing: A refrigerant is used for cooling in refrigerators or in air conditioners.
2. In medicine, that which produces a coolness: Because Mary was sick, her doctor prescribed a refrigerant to reduce the fever she had..
2. In medicine, that which produces a coolness: Because Mary was sick, her doctor prescribed a refrigerant to reduce the fever she had..
refrigerate (verb), refrigerates; refrigerated; refrigerating
1. To cool or chill a substance: The meat that Jill bought that day had to be refrigerated to keep it cool until she used it the next day.
2. To cool down; to keep something cool: To make her cookies, the recipe said that the dough should be refrigerated until the next day.
2. To cool down; to keep something cool: To make her cookies, the recipe said that the dough should be refrigerated until the next day.
1. The act or process of cooling a substance: Dr. Thompson told Alice that the medicine she had to take needed refrigeration to prevent it from getting warm.
2. The process of reducing the temperature: Refrigeration is especially important for lowering the body temperature of patients and experimental animals.
2. The process of reducing the temperature: Refrigeration is especially important for lowering the body temperature of patients and experimental animals.
A cabinet or room for storing substances, as food, at a low temperature: Lisa had a very big refrigerator in her kitchen which also had a freer sectuib with two large drawers.
Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); cryo-, kryo-; (cold, freezing); gel-, gelati- (freeze, frost, congeal); hiber- (winter, wintry); pago- (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).
Showing page 2 out of 2 pages of 21 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups.