ergo-, erg-
(Greek: work)
Also see the urg- words that have been "transformed" from the basic elements of this unit.
This kind of study is used as an index of mental excitement, fatigue, etc.
The correct term for over work instead of the commonly used “workaholic“ which is etymologically wrong.

This image represents an ergomaniac who worked right up to the point of this last entry and so signifies his efforts to complete his last project even to the very end of his existence! It may also be said that he represents the ultimate in persistence (or stupidity).

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2. The science of making things fit people instead of asking people to fit things.
Ergonomics uses knowledge from anatomy, mechanics, physiology and psychology to utilize human energy most effectively.
Something that is ergonomic is designed for safe, comfortable, and efficient use; for example, a computer keyboard with an ergonomic design is designed to help the user avoid carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain.
3. The quantitative study of the distribution of work performance and efficiency of social insects.2. Physiological differentiation associated with morphological specialization.