(Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word)
Someone who abhors or hates certain people, situations, or conditions.
detonate (verb), detonates; detonated; detonating
1. To produce a loud noise by the sudden liberation of gas in connexion with chemical decomposition or combination; to explode with a sudden loud report (as when heated or struck).
2. To cause to explode with a sudden loud report, as a result of the act of a chemical decomposition or combination.
2. To cause to explode with a sudden loud report, as a result of the act of a chemical decomposition or combination.
The process of removing a poison, or toxin, from the body.
The liver is the primary organ of detoxification in the body.
detoxify (verb), detoxifies; detoxified; detoxifying
devastate (verb), devastates; devastated; devastating
1. To cause severe or widespread damage to something: The city has been devastated by the floods and hurricanes that have been going on this year.
2. To destroy; to render desolate: The Romans devastated the Greek city.
3. To overwhelm or to overpower people by greatly shocking or upsetting them: The shocking news of the murder was devastating the children who had held onto the hope that their father would still be alive.
4. To cause a person to feel extreme emotional pain and agony: Shirley was devastated by the breakup of her marriage.
2. To destroy; to render desolate: The Romans devastated the Greek city.
3. To overwhelm or to overpower people by greatly shocking or upsetting them: The shocking news of the murder was devastating the children who had held onto the hope that their father would still be alive.
4. To cause a person to feel extreme emotional pain and agony: Shirley was devastated by the breakup of her marriage.
deviate (verb), deviates; deviated; deviating
1. To turn aside from a course or a way.
2. To depart, as from a norm, purpose, or subject; to stray or to swerve from what is considered normal.
2. To depart, as from a norm, purpose, or subject; to stray or to swerve from what is considered normal.
devious (adjective), more devious, most devious
1. Not sincere and honest about one's intentions: The police told the young man to be absolutely truthful and law-abiding and to avoid any devious answers to their questions during the investigation.
2. Referring to something which does not adhere to the proper procedures or standards of behavior: Alice heard that her friend used devious means to get the answers to the test in biology ahead of time.
3. Characteristic of something which is rambling or is roundabout; usually, that which changes directions many times: Because of an accident on the major highway, James had to go home by a devious route.
4. Etymology: from Latin devius, "out of the way"; derived from de, "from" + via, "way".

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2. Referring to something which does not adhere to the proper procedures or standards of behavior: Alice heard that her friend used devious means to get the answers to the test in biology ahead of time.
3. Characteristic of something which is rambling or is roundabout; usually, that which changes directions many times: Because of an accident on the major highway, James had to go home by a devious route.
4. Etymology: from Latin devius, "out of the way"; derived from de, "from" + via, "way".

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1. A passing down or descent through successive stages of time or a process.
2. Transference, as of rights or qualities, to a successor.
3. Delegation of authority or duties to a subordinate or a substitute.
4. A transfer of powers from a central government to local units.
2. Transference, as of rights or qualities, to a successor.
3. Delegation of authority or duties to a subordinate or a substitute.
4. A transfer of powers from a central government to local units.
devolve (verb), devolves; devolved; devolving
1. To transfer power, responsibility, or rights to someone or something; for example, from a central government to a regional government, or to be transferred in this way.
2. To become the duty or responsibility of another person.
3. To deteriorate slowly over time; to degenerate, or to deteriorate, gradually.
4. To be given to someone under the terms of a will or other legal instruction.
5. Etymology: from Latin devolvere, "to roll down"; from de-, "down" or "reverse" + volvere, "to roll".
2. To become the duty or responsibility of another person.
3. To deteriorate slowly over time; to degenerate, or to deteriorate, gradually.
4. To be given to someone under the terms of a will or other legal instruction.
5. Etymology: from Latin devolvere, "to roll down"; from de-, "down" or "reverse" + volvere, "to roll".
1. To place a substance; especially, a metal, on an electrode by using electrolysis: The electrodeposit process was used to replace the covering of old silverware with new surfaces because it was critical in order to guarantee a higher resale value of the cutlery.
2. A substance that remains by using electrolysis: The electrodeposit of silver on the antique lamp base was glowing brightly in the light from the display case.
2. A substance that remains by using electrolysis: The electrodeposit of silver on the antique lamp base was glowing brightly in the light from the display case.
1. A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group of people.
2. A sense of unity and of shared interests and responsibilities that have been developed by people who are closely associated in a task, a cause, an enterprise, etc.
3. Etymology: from late 18th century French; literally, "spirit of the body".
2. A sense of unity and of shared interests and responsibilities that have been developed by people who are closely associated in a task, a cause, an enterprise, etc.
3. Etymology: from late 18th century French; literally, "spirit of the body".
Et sic de similibus (Latin phrase)
Translation: "And so of similar (people or things); and that goes for the others, too."
This phrase is used to suggest that whatever has been spoken about one person or topic under discussion holds true for related matters as well. The phrase ab uno disce omnes has similarities: "from one example, learn about all" or "from one, learn all".
hypothermal deposit
A hydrothermal mineral deposit formed at great depth (high pressure) and a temperature of 300-500°C.