(Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word)
depict (verb) depicts; depicted depicting
1. To represent by or as if by a drawing or a sculpture; to portray: The wall of Jake's living room wall was painted with a large mural that depicted famous scenes about animals of nature.
2. To characterize in words; to describe: Mildred was very interested in the way the author of the book depicts the characters in his novel.

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2. To characterize in words; to describe: Mildred was very interested in the way the author of the book depicts the characters in his novel.
Some people are convinced that the egocentric politician depicts himself as a know-it-all; even though he flip-flops from one position to another one.

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depicted (adjective), more depicted, most depicted
Relating to having been represented graphically by sketch or design or lines.
1. Someone who represents something in a picture or sculpture.
2. A person who represents anything in words or who presents descriptions.
2. A person who represents anything in words or who presents descriptions.
1. The representation of showing something in a picture or story: "The writer's depictions of the horrors of war helped to bring realism to what has been accepted as fiction." "I am fed up with the depiction of sex in motion pictures."
2. A lifelike image of something, either verbal or visual.
3. A drawing or painting.
4. A drawing of the outlines of forms or objects.
2. A lifelike image of something, either verbal or visual.
3. A drawing or painting.
4. A drawing of the outlines of forms or objects.
To make a picture of; such as, to paint, to picture, or to depict.
An expenditure or reduction of resources, strength, vitality, etc.: When there is a depletion of something, its quantity or size decreases and it becomes partially or totally used up, emptied out, etc.

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In some areas of the world, droughts have caused depletions of water resulting in great difficulties for the people in those countries to survive.

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Regarding something which deserves censure or contempt; wretched: The deplorability of their living conditions is too miserable and pitiful to describe.
deplorable (adjective), more deplorable, most deplorable
1. A reference to something which is worthy of severe condemnation or reproach: A man was arrested because he committed a deplorable act of violence at the end of the baseball game when his team lost.
2. Referring to a lamentable or woeful situation: Jane's apartment was in a deplorable condition of filth.
3. Relating to a wretched or bad condition: Too many people were living in deplorable houses in Jack's neighborhood.

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2. Referring to a lamentable or woeful situation: Jane's apartment was in a deplorable condition of filth.
3. Relating to a wretched or bad condition: Too many people were living in deplorable houses in Jack's neighborhood.

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1. A condition causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable: "She felt terrible about the deplorable death of a friend."
2. A reference to causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad: "Their hotel room was in a deplorable condition."
2. A reference to causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad: "Their hotel room was in a deplorable condition."
deplorably (adverb), more deplorably, most deplorably
Concerning how a person acts in an unfortunate, wretched, or bad manner: The children behaved deplorably and dreadfully at Jill's party.
deplore (verb), deplores; deplored; deploring
1. To regret deeply or strongly; to lament: Many people deplore the present state of morality in films, the radio, videos, etc.
2. To disapprove of; to censure: Billy's fellow elementary school students say that they deplore his constant use of vulgar language.
3. To feel or to express deep grief for or in regard to something: The students deplored the death of their biology teacher.

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2. To disapprove of; to censure: Billy's fellow elementary school students say that they deplore his constant use of vulgar language.
3. To feel or to express deep grief for or in regard to something: The students deplored the death of their biology teacher.

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Someone who expresses strong disapproval of something or who regrets strongly about what is being done or a condition which exists: Max was a deplorer of the government's treatment of political prisoners.