chryso-, chrys-
(Greek: the color gold, golden, golden yellow)
Although some moths form similar naked pupae, the term chrysalis is usually applied only to those of the butterflies.
2. Etymology: Latin chrysallis; from Greek khrusallis, khrusallid-, "gold-colored pupa of a butterfly"; from khrusos, "gold".2. A perennial garden plant with many cultivated varieties. Chrysanthemums are flowers that are brightly colored, with many varied shapes, and small densely clustered petals.
Chrysanthemums are available in a wide variety of colors, from white, to yellow and gold, pink, orange, bronze, deep red, maroon, violet and purple; and some chrysanthemums are a mixture of two or even more colors.
3. Etymology: from Latin chrysanthemum; from Greek khrusanthemon, "gold flower"; from khrus-, khruso-, chryso- + anthemon, "flower".
2. Etymology: from Greek khruselephantinos which came from khrus-, khruso-, chryso-, "gold" + elephas, elephant-, "ivory".
More serious results of chrysiasis involves hematopoietic system, liver, kidney, eye (cornea, and lens) and sometimes other vital organs.
Golden moles, or chrysochlores, are all similar in appearance, with cylindrical (round) bodies and other anatomical adaptations to suit their burrowing lifestyles.
The chrysochlores from southern Africa have short legs with powerful digging claws, dense fur that repels moisture, and toughened skin; especially, on their heads.
These chrysochlores have nonfunctional eyes covered with skin and they do not have any external ears.
Here Are Four of Eighteen Species of Golden Moles, or Chrysochlores
- Cape Golden Mole: Although secretive, this is a common species in parts of South Africa and it uses the enlarged toes on its front feet for digging tunnels in the earth.
- Juliana's Golden Mole: Unique to the dry highlands of South Africa, normally in sandy soils, this species frequents well-irrigated gardens within its range of existence.
- Hottentot Golden Mole: This golden mole lives in tunnel systems up to 655 feet (200 meters) long, using the large second and third toes on its front feet for digging.
- Grant's Desert Golden Mole: Inhabiting the southwest African coastal dunes, or hills of sand, one of the world's driest habitats, this species "swims" through sand instead of building tunnels.

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The term gold salts, or gold sodium thiomalate, is a water-soluble gold preparation which is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis that include active joint inflammations.
Chrysoderma can have a permanent gray to light purple color on the face, eyelids, and other sun-exposed areas of a person's body.
2. The gold writing produced by this artistic method.