(Latin: large, big, thick)
engross (en GROHS) (verb), engrosses; engrossed; engrossing
1. To earn as a total income or profit before any deductions are made: Jim’s company was very pleased to have engrossed so much, which meant that even after taxes were paid, the employees could then have a pay raise!
2. To occupy wholly; to absorb completely, to take up all the attention of: Mary became so engrossed in her work that she did not hear the lunch bell.
3. To copy or to write in large, clear letters: Lynn’s father had bad eyesight, so, when she wrote him letters, she engrossed them for him so he could read them easily.

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2. To occupy wholly; to absorb completely, to take up all the attention of: Mary became so engrossed in her work that she did not hear the lunch bell.
3. To copy or to write in large, clear letters: Lynn’s father had bad eyesight, so, when she wrote him letters, she engrossed them for him so he could read them easily.
In order for the people to read the posters without difficulty from across a large room, Joan engrossed the words with larger alphabetical characters.
4. Etymology: from Latin ingrossare, "write large; in, "in" + grossus, "large".

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engrossed (adjective), more engrossed, most engrossed
Relating to a total preoccupation in something other than what one is supposed to be doing: Mark's mother was so engrossed with her conversation on the phone that some of the items that she was cooking burned and were neither edible nor fit for consumption.

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engrossing (adjective), more engrossing, most engrossing
A reference to significant information regarding an activity or subject: The biology book explains the sequence of events in engrossing details about animals in her country.
engrossingly (adverb), more engrossingly, most engrossingly
1. Referring to engaging the complete attention of someone or others in some activity: The teacher was engrossingly striving to make sure that all of the students understood what he was talking about.
2. Relating to how something absorbs ones complete attention: The book Jane was reading was so engrossingly interesting and fascinating that she didn’t hear the phone when it was ringing!
2. Relating to how something absorbs ones complete attention: The book Jane was reading was so engrossingly interesting and fascinating that she didn’t hear the phone when it was ringing!
The state or condition of being wholly occupied with something: Jill's supervisor gave her a project that involved an engrossment that took her full attention until it was completed and satisfied her boss.
1. Something that is visible for normal vision: Most objects that people deal with are grosses which are easily seen.
2. Consisting of large particles or components: The food that is eaten is just one example of the kinds of gross which people deal with on a daily basis.
2. Consisting of large particles or components: The food that is eaten is just one example of the kinds of gross which people deal with on a daily basis.
gross (adjective), grosser; grossest
1. Pertaining to an amount exclusive of deductions; total; entire: The firm that Tom is working for has a gross profit of over a million dollars this year before any usual taxes or expenses are paid.
2. Unmitigated in any way; utter incompetence: Shirley's auto accident was caused by gross negligence because she was looking at her cell phone instead of being alert while driving on the highway.
3. Glaringly obvious: Choosing to go for a walk outside during the thunderstorm was a gross mistake.
4. Describing something as being crude; coarse; rude; or uncivil: Doug used such gross and outrageous language towards other students that he had to be sent to the principal’s office!
5. Offensive; disgusting: Jim's friend was speaking with gross statements which made Mike cringe.
6. Lacking sensitivity or discernment; uncultured: Jack needed to learn better table manners because his were still gross or unrefined.
7. Overweight; corpulent: Max told his physical therapist that he felt gross, being unattractively large and bloated, and that even his legs were flabby.
8. Abundant; profuse: There was such a gross amount of apples in the summer, that Joan and Jack made lots of apple jelly and juice which they could enjoy during the winter months.
9. Broad; general: Carol was presenting some gross outlines of a plan to her supervisor for his consideration.

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2. Unmitigated in any way; utter incompetence: Shirley's auto accident was caused by gross negligence because she was looking at her cell phone instead of being alert while driving on the highway.
3. Glaringly obvious: Choosing to go for a walk outside during the thunderstorm was a gross mistake.
4. Describing something as being crude; coarse; rude; or uncivil: Doug used such gross and outrageous language towards other students that he had to be sent to the principal’s office!
5. Offensive; disgusting: Jim's friend was speaking with gross statements which made Mike cringe.
6. Lacking sensitivity or discernment; uncultured: Jack needed to learn better table manners because his were still gross or unrefined.
7. Overweight; corpulent: Max told his physical therapist that he felt gross, being unattractively large and bloated, and that even his legs were flabby.
8. Abundant; profuse: There was such a gross amount of apples in the summer, that Joan and Jack made lots of apple jelly and juice which they could enjoy during the winter months.
9. Broad; general: Carol was presenting some gross outlines of a plan to her supervisor for his consideration.

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gross (verb), grosses; grossed; grossing
To earn, to make a significant profit, to take in large quantities: Some popular films have been able to gross millions of dollars by having them shown in many movie theaters around the world!
The study of the structural organization of different parts of a body by means of dissection and with normal vision: Gross anatomy is also known as "macroscopic anatomy" which is the examination of a person's physical composition without the use of a microscope.
The process of gross anatomy is learning by using both invasive and noninvasive methods with the objective of obtaining information about the organs and organ systems of people and even of animals.
The total value of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States: As long as the gross domestic product and the labor and property are located in the United States, the supplier (that is, the workers and, for property, the owners) may be either U.S. residents or residents of foreign countries.
gross motor skills (pl) (noun)
Bodily abilities pertaining to the interactions of large muscle groups: A person's gross motor skills include functions in balancing, running, throwing, and other normal physical activities.
The total value of goods and services produced by a nation's economy before the deduction or depreciation charges and other allowances for capital consumption: The gross national product includes the total purchases of goods and services by private consumers and government, gross private domestic capital investment, and net monetary receipts from foreign trading.
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