lent-, lenta-, lenti- +
(Latin: slow, sluggish, immovable)
In a very slow tempo. Used primarily as a musical direction.
1. Slowing gradually as a musical direction.
2. Becoming slower with reference to music.
2. Becoming slower with reference to music.
An excruciatingly slow display of manual non-dexterity; especially, as practiced by ticket sellers, toll takers, bank tellers, etc.: "The toll taker's lentidigitation caused a five-mile backup at the bridge."
A condition in which there is a sluggishness or abnormal slowness or languidness: The sloth, a wild animal which lives in trees in South and Central America, could very well be described as a creature of lentitude because it moves very slowly and in a very lazy manner.
In a slow tempo as applied in a musical direction.
1. To become more sympathetic or amenable and to do something previously ruled out or to allow something previously forbidden to take place.
2. To slacken or to become less intense; to soften in temper; to become more gentle or compassionate.
3. Etymology: "to melt, to soften, to dissolve", from re-, "again" + Latin lentus, "slow, viscous, supple". The sense of "become less harsh or cruel" was first recorded in 1526.
2. To slacken or to become less intense; to soften in temper; to become more gentle or compassionate.
3. Etymology: "to melt, to soften, to dissolve", from re-, "again" + Latin lentus, "slow, viscous, supple". The sense of "become less harsh or cruel" was first recorded in 1526.
1. Softening in temper; becoming more mild or compassionate or showing feelings of sympathy for the suffering of others, often with a desire to help.
2.Changing one's mind about some decision or giving in to the pressures of another person or of others who are striving to come up with a different outcome.
2.Changing one's mind about some decision or giving in to the pressures of another person or of others who are striving to come up with a different outcome.
relentless (adjective), more relentless, most relentless
1. A description of of something or someone that is unremitting; continuous; never slackening, but continuing always at the same intense, demanding, or punishing level: The politician was a relentless opponent of raising taxes for the citizens of his country.

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Jill is a relentless actress in pursuit of fame and fortune.
The strong wind blowing from the East was persistent and relentless, and lasted for many days.
2. A reference to a persistently hostile person, action, situation, element, etc. that is pursuing, attacking, or opposing someone or something without mercy: Sam's neighbor was a relentless hunter of wild animals.
The desert has a relentless heat and dryness for those who live there and people who travel there on a temporary visit.
3. Etymology: from Latin re-, "again" + lentus, "slow."
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. A reference to someone or something that continues without becoming weaker, less severe, etc.: "He was relentlessly optimistic about holding the team together."
2. A description of someone who is strict or determined: "The policeman relentlessly pursued the criminal until he caught him."
2. A description of someone who is strict or determined: "The policeman relentlessly pursued the criminal until he caught him."
1. Incessant, uninterrupted; characterized by an unwillingness to relent or to give up.
2. Being steady and persistent; unremitting: "We had to tolerate the relentlessness of the constant beating of the drums."
2. Being steady and persistent; unremitting: "We had to tolerate the relentlessness of the constant beating of the drums."
Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving "slow, slowness, slow of, sluggish": dys-; tard-.
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