(Latin: measure; suitable; size, limit, way, method; rhythm, harmony)
1. Referring to or relating to recent times or the present period in history.
2. Characteristic or expressive of recent times or the present; contemporary or up-to-date.
3. Relating to a recently developed or advanced style, technique, or technology; such as, the latest, most advanced kind of something, or using the most advanced equipment and techniques available.
4. A reference to or using ideas and techniques that have only recently been developed or are still considered experimental.
5. Etymology: "of or pertaining to present or recent times" from about 1500, from Middle French moderne; from Late Latin modernus, "modern"; from Latin modo, "just now, in a (certain) manner"; from modo, "to the measure" and modus, "manner, measure".
2. Characteristic or expressive of recent times or the present; contemporary or up-to-date.
3. Relating to a recently developed or advanced style, technique, or technology; such as, the latest, most advanced kind of something, or using the most advanced equipment and techniques available.
4. A reference to or using ideas and techniques that have only recently been developed or are still considered experimental.
5. Etymology: "of or pertaining to present or recent times" from about 1500, from Middle French moderne; from Late Latin modernus, "modern"; from Latin modo, "just now, in a (certain) manner"; from modo, "to the measure" and modus, "manner, measure".
1. Practices which are typical of contemporary life or thought; modern thought, character, or practice.
2. The quality of being current or in the present time with one's behavior or actions.
3. Sympathy with, or conformity to, modern ideas, practices, or standards.
4. A peculiarity of usage or style, as with words or phrases, which is characteristic of modern times.
5. Etymology: "of or referring to present or recent times"; from Middle French moderne, from Late Latin modernus, "modern"; from Latin modo, "just now, in a (certain) manner".
2. The quality of being current or in the present time with one's behavior or actions.
3. Sympathy with, or conformity to, modern ideas, practices, or standards.
4. A peculiarity of usage or style, as with words or phrases, which is characteristic of modern times.
5. Etymology: "of or referring to present or recent times"; from Middle French moderne, from Late Latin modernus, "modern"; from Latin modo, "just now, in a (certain) manner".
1. An artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles.
2. A practice, usage, or expression peculiar to modern times.
3. The deliberate departure from past traditions and the use of innovative, or new, forms of expressions which distinguish many styles in the arts and literature of the 20th century.
2. A practice, usage, or expression peculiar to modern times.
3. The deliberate departure from past traditions and the use of innovative, or new, forms of expressions which distinguish many styles in the arts and literature of the 20th century.
1. The quality of being current, modern, up-to-date, or in the present times.
2. A reference to, or characteristic of, contemporary styles or schools of art, literature, music, etc.; especially, those of an experimental kind.
2. A reference to, or characteristic of, contemporary styles or schools of art, literature, music, etc.; especially, those of an experimental kind.
1. Making modern in appearance or behavior.
2. To make modern in appearance, style, or character; to update.
3. Acceptance or adoption of modern ways, ideas, or style.
4. Transformation of a society from a rural and agrarian condition to a secular, urban, and industrial one.
2. To make modern in appearance, style, or character; to update.
3. Acceptance or adoption of modern ways, ideas, or style.
4. Transformation of a society from a rural and agrarian condition to a secular, urban, and industrial one.
modernize (noun), modernizes; modernized; modernizing
1. To make new in appearance, style, or character; to update: Jessica modernized her kitchen with new paint, with a new stove and oven, and even with a microwave!
2. To improve or to adjust something in order to make it conform to present-day tastes, attitudes, or standards, or to be changed in this way: Jack's old car was modernized with new seat belts, a navigation system, and a stereo.
2. To improve or to adjust something in order to make it conform to present-day tastes, attitudes, or standards, or to be changed in this way: Jack's old car was modernized with new seat belts, a navigation system, and a stereo.
When Josie and Tim bought the old house they had to modernize the electrical system because it wasn't safe to use anymore.
3. To accept or to adopt to current ways, ideas, or style: The library in town has been modernized in that it not only offers books by modern authors, but it also has the newest videos, DVDs, and CDs for its customers.
1. Someone who adapts something to modern needs or habits, typically by installing modern equipment or adopting modern ideas or methods.
2. Anyone who accepts or adopts modern ways, ideas, styles, etc.
2. Anyone who accepts or adopts modern ways, ideas, styles, etc.
1. A reference to belonging to or relating to the period in history from the end of the Middle Ages to the present times.
2. A description of relating to, or characteristic of contemporary styles or schools of art, literature, music, etc., particularly those of an experimental nature.
3. Used as a reference to a living language; especially, being in the current stage of its development.
2. A description of relating to, or characteristic of contemporary styles or schools of art, literature, music, etc., particularly those of an experimental nature.
3. Used as a reference to a living language; especially, being in the current stage of its development.
1. Not large but sufficient in size or amount and scope.
2. Free from ostentation or pretension.
3. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
4. Moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range and not extreme.
2. Free from ostentation or pretension.
3. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
4. Moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range and not extreme.
1. A reference to being moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range; and not being extreme in one's life style or personal behavior.
2. Dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency.
3. Referring to social interactions by communicating in a way that shows humility, shyness, or simplicity.
2. Dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency.
3. Referring to social interactions by communicating in a way that shows humility, shyness, or simplicity.
1. Freedom from vanity or conceit and showing moderation in the size, scale, or the extent of one's accomplishments.
2. Being reserved or showing propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.
3. A lack of pretentiousness; having simplicity in one's actions.
4. An unwillingness to draw attention to one's own achievements or abilities.
5. Etymology: "freedom from exaggeration, having self-control"; from Middle French modestie; from Latin modestia, "moderation"; from modestus, "moderate, keeping measure, sober"' from modus, "measure, manner".
2. Being reserved or showing propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.
3. A lack of pretentiousness; having simplicity in one's actions.
4. An unwillingness to draw attention to one's own achievements or abilities.
5. Etymology: "freedom from exaggeration, having self-control"; from Middle French modestie; from Latin modestia, "moderation"; from modestus, "moderate, keeping measure, sober"' from modus, "measure, manner".
1. A very small amount: Any of the students with even a modicum of intelligence should have understood the lesson that the teacher presented to them regarding the meanings of vocabulary words.

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When Jeff's mother asked him why he was so late coming home from school, he gave her an excuse that didn't have a modicum of truth in it.
2. Etymology: from Latin modicus, "moderate"; from modus, "measure".

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1. A small change, alteration, adjustment, or limitation which is made to improve something or to make it more suitable.
2. In biology, any of the external changes in an organism that is caused by an environment or activity and not genetically transmitted to the offspring.
3. In linguistics, a change that takes place by a word that is borrowed from another language.
4. A phonological (sound) change of a word or morpheme when it is used in a construction; such as, the modification of will to 'll in I'll, we'll, they'll, she'll", etc.
2. In biology, any of the external changes in an organism that is caused by an environment or activity and not genetically transmitted to the offspring.
3. In linguistics, a change that takes place by a word that is borrowed from another language.
4. A phonological (sound) change of a word or morpheme when it is used in a construction; such as, the modification of will to 'll in I'll, we'll, they'll, she'll", etc.
1. Changed partially in form or character; altered.
2. Made less extreme, severe, or strong.
2. Made less extreme, severe, or strong.
1. Someone or something which makes slight changes to something; especially, to improve it.
2. A word, phrase, or clause that limits or qualifies the sense of another word or word group.
2. A word, phrase, or clause that limits or qualifies the sense of another word or word group.