(Latin: measure; suitable; size, limit, way, method; rhythm, harmony)
immodest (adjective), more immodest, most immodest
1. A reference to not being properly restrained in expressions or self-assertions, boastful.
2. Relating to having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's importance, ability, etc.
3. Conveying an embarrassment or shock for a person; especially, when there is an exposure of parts of the body that are normally covered.
2. Relating to having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's importance, ability, etc.
3. Conveying an embarrassment or shock for a person; especially, when there is an exposure of parts of the body that are normally covered.
immodestly (adverb), more immodestly, most immodestly
1. A reference to someone who shows too much self-confidence or who behaves in a boastful or conceited manner.
2. Descriptive of a person who behaves in an indecent or improper manner.
2. Descriptive of a person who behaves in an indecent or improper manner.
1. The trait of being vain and conceited.
2. Not properly restrained in expression or self-assertion; boastful.
3. Offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance; indecent: "The immodesty of the bathing suits worn by the group disturbed the local people."
2. Not properly restrained in expression or self-assertion; boastful.
3. Offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance; indecent: "The immodesty of the bathing suits worn by the group disturbed the local people."
incommode (verb), incommodes; incommoded; incommoding
1. To cause to be inconvenienced; to disturb, to trouble, to bother.
2. To cause inconvenience or discomfort to.
3. Etymology: from French incommoder or Latin incommodare, "not convenient"; from in- "not" + commodus. "convenient".
2. To cause inconvenience or discomfort to.
3. Etymology: from French incommoder or Latin incommodare, "not convenient"; from in- "not" + commodus. "convenient".
incommodious (adjective), more incommodious, most incommodious
1. Of or relating to a musical mode; especially written in an ecclesiastical mode.
2. A description of propositions involving necessity or probability, or those relating to knowledge, belief, and obligation.
3. In grammar, of or concerning the mood of a verb.
2. A description of propositions involving necessity or probability, or those relating to knowledge, belief, and obligation.
3. In grammar, of or concerning the mood of a verb.
A set of verb forms or inflections used to indicate the speaker's attitude toward the factuality or likelihood of the action or condition being expressed.
In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood is used to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood is used to express a command.
4. Etymology: a term in logic, from Middle French modal, from Middle Latin modalis, "of or pertaining to a mode"; from Latin modus, "measure, manner, mode".
1. The theological doctrine that the members of the Trinity are not three separate persons but modes or forms of God’s self-expression.
2. The belief that the Heavenly Father, the Resurrected Son, and the Holy Spirit are different modes or aspects of one God, as perceived by the believer, rather than three distinct persons in God Himself.
2. The belief that the Heavenly Father, the Resurrected Son, and the Holy Spirit are different modes or aspects of one God, as perceived by the believer, rather than three distinct persons in God Himself.
1. A tendency to conform to a general pattern or to belong to a particular group or category.
2. The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
3. A therapeutic method or agent, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical treatment of a medical disorder.
4. In physiology, any of the various types of sensation; such as, vision or hearing.
5. Etymology: directly from or via French; from medieval Latin modalis which came from Latin modus, "measure".
2. The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
3. A therapeutic method or agent, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical treatment of a medical disorder.
4. In physiology, any of the various types of sensation; such as, vision or hearing.
5. Etymology: directly from or via French; from medieval Latin modalis which came from Latin modus, "measure".
1. A manner, way, form, or method of doing something: New modes of electronic equipment are being produced very often by computer manufacturers.
2. A particular form, variety, or manner: When Judy felt in a creative mode, she would sew new fashionable clothes for her children.
3. The current or customary fashion or style: What is the present-day color mode for jackets; bright colors or gray and black?
4. A setting or function on a machine: Not only do computer companies often create new models, but they also keep coming up with new modes of programs or procedures which are not always easy to adapt to.
5. Etymology: "manner", from late 14th century, "kind of musical scale"; from Latin modus, "measure, rhythm, song, manner".

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2. A particular form, variety, or manner: When Judy felt in a creative mode, she would sew new fashionable clothes for her children.
3. The current or customary fashion or style: What is the present-day color mode for jackets; bright colors or gray and black?
4. A setting or function on a machine: Not only do computer companies often create new models, but they also keep coming up with new modes of programs or procedures which are not always easy to adapt to.
5. Etymology: "manner", from late 14th century, "kind of musical scale"; from Latin modus, "measure, rhythm, song, manner".

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1. A small object, usually built to scale, which represents in detail another, often larger object.
2. A preliminary work or construction that serves as a plan from which a final product is to be made: "The artist had his clay model ready for casting."
3. A work or construction used for testing or perfecting a final product: "The car company had a test model of a solar-powered vehicle."
4. A style or design of an something:"His current car is last year's model."
5. An example that is supposed to be imitated or compared: "Her behavior is a model of decorum."
6. Someone who serves as the subject for an artist; especially, a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.
7. A person who is employed to display merchandise; such as, clothing, cosmetics, etc.
8. Etymology: in the 1570's, "an architect's set of designs"; from Middle French modelle then from modern French modèle; from Italian modello, "a model, mold"; from Vulgar Latin modellus, from Latin modulus, "measure, standard" and modus, "manner, measure".
2. A preliminary work or construction that serves as a plan from which a final product is to be made: "The artist had his clay model ready for casting."
3. A work or construction used for testing or perfecting a final product: "The car company had a test model of a solar-powered vehicle."
4. A style or design of an something:"His current car is last year's model."
5. An example that is supposed to be imitated or compared: "Her behavior is a model of decorum."
6. Someone who serves as the subject for an artist; especially, a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.
7. A person who is employed to display merchandise; such as, clothing, cosmetics, etc.
8. Etymology: in the 1570's, "an architect's set of designs"; from Middle French modelle then from modern French modèle; from Italian modello, "a model, mold"; from Vulgar Latin modellus, from Latin modulus, "measure, standard" and modus, "manner, measure".
1. Someone who plans, constructs, or fashions according to a model.
2. A person who displays commercial items by wearing or posing clothing, etc.
3. Anyone who does preliminary work or construction that serves as a plan from which a final product is to be made.
2. A person who displays commercial items by wearing or posing clothing, etc.
3. Anyone who does preliminary work or construction that serves as a plan from which a final product is to be made.
1. A preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied.
2. The act or art of sculpturing or forming in a pliable material; such as, clay or wax.
3. The act or profession of being a model; such as, the work of a fashion model.
4. The demonstration of a way of behaving to someone; especially, a child, so such behavior may be imitated.
2. The act or art of sculpturing or forming in a pliable material; such as, clay or wax.
3. The act or profession of being a model; such as, the work of a fashion model.
4. The demonstration of a way of behaving to someone; especially, a child, so such behavior may be imitated.
1. Being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme: "The store charged a moderate price for its goods."
2. Not violent or subject to extremes; such as, being mild, calm, or temperate.
3. Of a medium or average quantity or extent.
4. A reference to limited or average quality; mediocre.
5. Being opposed to radical or extreme views or measures; especially, in politics or religion.
6. Etymology: from Latin moderatus, the past participle of moderari, "to regulate"; and related to modus, "measure".
2. Not violent or subject to extremes; such as, being mild, calm, or temperate.
3. Of a medium or average quantity or extent.
4. A reference to limited or average quality; mediocre.
5. Being opposed to radical or extreme views or measures; especially, in politics or religion.
6. Etymology: from Latin moderatus, the past participle of moderari, "to regulate"; and related to modus, "measure".
1. A reference to making or becoming less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent.
2. Descriptive of an average amount, intensity, quality, or degree.
2. Descriptive of an average amount, intensity, quality, or degree.
1. The action of lessening in severity or intensity.
2. The quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes.
3. The trait of avoiding excesses.
4. A limiting, controlling, or restricting of something so that it becomes or remains moderate.
5. The position or function of moderating something within reasonable limits, and never to excess.
6. Etymology: from Middle French moderation; from Latin moderationem, moderatio, "moderating"; from Latin moderatus, past participle of moderari, "to regulate" which is related to modus, "measure".
2. The quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes.
3. The trait of avoiding excesses.
4. A limiting, controlling, or restricting of something so that it becomes or remains moderate.
5. The position or function of moderating something within reasonable limits, and never to excess.
6. Etymology: from Middle French moderation; from Latin moderationem, moderatio, "moderating"; from Latin moderatus, past participle of moderari, "to regulate" which is related to modus, "measure".