stup-, stupe- +

(Latin: amazing, dull, dullness, numbed, numbness, stunned, stupefied)

1. An extinct large bird.
2. Portuguese duodo; literally, "stupid.

Historical background about the dodo. More dodo information is here.

Obstupui, steteruntque comae, et vox faucibus haesit. (Latin)
Translation: "I was stupefied, and my hair stood on end, and my voice stuck to my throat."

A description of the physical effects of fear, from Virgil's Aeneid; with an equivalent meaning of, "I was scared stiff."

1. Stupefying; producing stupor.
2. A drug or agent that produces stupor.
1. The state of being stupefied; stupor.
2. Overwhelming amazement.
3. Great astonishment or consternation.
1. Serving to stupefy.
2. Producing stupefaction; stupefactive.
One who, or that which, stupefies; a stupefying agent.
stupefy, stupefies, stupefying, stupefied
1. To put into a state of little or no sensibility; to benumb the faculties of; to put into a stupor.
2. To stun, as with a narcotic, a shock, or a strong emotion.
3. To overwhelm with amazement; to astound; to astonish.
Manic stupor.
1. Causing amazement; astounding; marvelous.
2. Amazingly large or great; immense.
1. Slow to learn or to understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
5. Pointless; worthless.
6. "Mentally slow," from Middle French stupide, from Latin stupidus, "amazed, confounded"; literally, "struck senseless", from Latin stupere, "be stunned, amazed, confounded".
1. The quality or condition of being stupid.
2. A stupid act, notion, remark, or idea.
1. In a stupid manner.
2. A moment or act of stupidity.
stupor (s) (noun), stupors (pl)
1. The partial or nearly complete unconsciousness, manifested by the subject's responding only to vigorous stimulation: Stupor, lethargy, and insensibility can be the results of the consumption of drugs or of alcoholic drinks.
2. A disorder or condition marked by reduced responsiveness caused by stress or shock: After hearing about the terrible car accident in which her daughter was killed, Jane was in a complete stupor and totally traumatized.
3. Etymology: from Latin stupere, "to be amazed or stunned" or "to be struck senseless".
A physical condition in which the person may have decreased senses.
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A condition unconsciousness, diminished consciousness or lethargy with a suppression of sense or feeling.