
(Greek: one part for another)

A language is never in a state of fixation, but is always changing; we are not looking at a lantern-slide but at a moving picture.
—Arthur Lloyd James, The Broadcast Word, 1935.
1. Using a word as a noncustomary part of speech; therefore, altering its meaning..
2. The use of a word of one grammatical class as if it were a member of another class, usually the use of a noun as a verb; also known as (and for example) "verbing a noun".

As the English language has continued to evolve, once-denounced terms and usages gradually have gained acceptance. For example, use of the word "contact" as a verb was shunned for many years, but it is now approved by most members of dictionary usage panels. The same is true of the gradual acceptance of the use of the noun "access" as a verb.

Toying with the language can result in concoctions of whimsical, even clever terms. Those who routinely apply nouns as verbs in defiance of convention defend it as a creative and time-saving practice. Many people who respect the conventions of the language still wince at such usages.

Have fun fiddling with the language in casual conversation or informal notes, but adhere to semantic and grammatical rules in business communication if you want to be taken seriously by people who admire and respect grammatical propriety.

EditPros Marketing Communications, Vol. 9, No. 7;
Davis, California; July, 2005.
The adjective or modifying form of anthimeria.

Did you see the way those blockers defenced on that last play? Noun used as verb.

Feel bad? Strike up some music and have a good sing. Verb used as noun.

Table that agenda item until next month. Noun used as a verb.

Some additional anthimerian words

  • contact
  • focus
  • impact
  • parent
  • map
  • medal