cad-, cas-, cid-

(Latin: to fall, befall)

cadent (adjective), more cadent, most cadent
Characterized by a repeated rhythmical sound: The musical piece being performed at the Band Shell in the park was modern and had interesting cadent sounds.
cadenza (s) (noun), cadenzas (pl)
A remarkable, often showy, solo in a musical performance towards the end of the presentation, often giving the appearance of improvisation: The violinist was known for her magnificent cadenzas which she had written and performed at the end of the concerto.
caducity (s) (noun), caducities (pl)
Perishableness, frailty: Gill's uncle Hayden was frustrated by the caducities of old age, resenting his slowed pace of walking, having to use a cane, etc.
caducous (adjective), more caducous, most caducous
Perishable or tending to fall early: The gardener raked the caducous leaves of the elm tree every morning so they wouldn't accumulate and pile up on the sidewalk.
cascade (s) (noun), cascades (pl)
1. A waterfall, or several waterfalls, that go over rocks: The tourists enjoyed watching the cascades of the stream flowing over the stones.
2. A big amount of something that hangs down: Marge had a cascade of blond hair falling down her back.
3. Something that falls in a progressive manner or in aa series of fast steps: The decision of the government officials set off a cascade of negative responses by the general public.

Jason watched as the religious pilgrims climbed up the cascade of steps on their knees to the cathedral.

cascade (verb), cascades; cascaded; cascading
1. To flow down or to hang down in large quantities: When Lina heard that her sister died, her tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Helena's dark hair cascaded down her back all the way to her waist.

2. To move on to others through the years: The poverty of past generations of the country has cascaded down into the present offspring.
case (s) (noun) cases (pl)
1. An example of a special situation or an example of something that takes place: Tom's cousin was arrested by the police as a suspect in a bank robbery, however it was a case of mistaken identity.

In many cases, reliable statistics are not available in the government's reports.

2. A process of an inquiry being conducted by the police: The authorities are trying to determine a case about a little girl's abduction as efforts are being made to find out who she is.
3. An instance of a disease or a medical problem: There are cases of thousands of people who are suffering from starvation.

Parents were asked to examine their children carefully because there were three cases of chicken pox in the school.

4. Someone whose situation is regarded as having no chance of improvement: Rebecca had a sad case of pancreatic cancer and was not expected to live much longer.
5. A legal action, especially something that is to be decided in a court of law: Sam's sister had her lawyer bring a libel case against her former employer for abuse.
6. In grammar, a form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective showing its relationship to other words in a sentence: The cases of personal pronouns are "nominative", "objective", and "possessive"."
  • The nominative cases are 1st person: I, we; 2nd person: you; 3rd person: he, she, it, they.
  • The objective cases are 1st person: me, us; 2nd person: you; 3rd person: him, her, them, it.
  • The possessive cases are 1st person: my, mine, our, ours; 2nd person: your, yours; 3rd person: his, her, hers, its, their, theirs.
7. The presentation of a convincing argument: The congressman made a good case for cutting expenses for the federal project.
8. Etymology: borrowed from old French cas which came from a Latin casus, "fall, chance" and cadere, "to fall".
casual (adjective), more casual, most casual
1. Unplanned, informal, relaxed, or unexpected: When Mary and her friend were at the Farmers' Market, they had a casual meeting with her neighbor whom she had not expected to see there.
2. Designed for or concerning ordinary behavior, attire, etc.: The attitude and environment at the educational meeting was more casual than usual."
3. Characteristic of something being done without much thought, effort, or concern: Rosetta's daughter takes the most casual way of doing her assigned home work.
4. Regarding some interest in something, but not very much and not in a serious manner: Hayden has a casual interest in watching sports on TV.
5. A reference to something that happens at certain times, but not regularly: Helena does casual exercises at the fitness studio one in a while.
casualism (s) (noun) (no plural)
The belief or commitment to an understanding that all events occur unexpectedly or in an unplanned manner: The doctrine of casualism does not work very well when anyone is trying to arrange a conference telephone call among several individuals.
casualist (s) (noun), casualists (pl)
A person or a group of individuals who believe that all events or occurrences happen in an unexpected or unplanned way: To be a casualist would appear to be like living life on the edge and never knowing what to expect or how to plan for anything.
casually (adverb), more casually, most casually
Referring to how seeming is done in an informal or non-methodical manner: Shirley casually glanced at her reflection in the store window as she admired her new dress.
casualty (s) (noun), casualties (pl)
Someone or something that is killed, lost, severely injured in an event, such as an accident, a natural disaster, etc.: Truth is often a casualty in times of media secrecy and alleged diplomacy.

"When the wildfires swept through the canyon, old wooden structures were the most typical casualties of the blazes.

Rebecca told her friend that the big tree in her backyard was a casualty of the strong hurricane winds the day before.

casuist (s) (noun), casuists (pl)
Someone who works or thinks through a situation and attempts to resolve profound or moral problems by applying general problem solving techniques or strategies: The elderly and somewhat other worldly priest was often thought of as a casuist, struggling to apply his outdated concepts and problem-solving ideas to modern issues.
casuistry (s) (noun), casuistries (pl)
Malicious, often subtle, reasoning or problem solving that may be intended to mislead: Some beings or evil spirits, referred to by some as the devil, often employ casuistry to lead upright and conscientious people astray.
chance (s) (noun), chances (pl)
1. Something that happens or occurs without planning, and so it takes place accidentally: It was pure chance that Wolfgang was standing at the door of the store when it opened and a former friend of his, whom he had not seen in many years, came out.

Jim goes to the fitness studio every chance he can.

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A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; fortu-; -mancy; serendipity; sorc-; temer-; tycho-.