cad-, cas-, cid-

(Latin: to fall, befall)

decayer (s) (noun), decayers (pl)
1. The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot: The decayer that was stored in the bin in the back alley was stinking and needed to be removed.
2. Matter which becomes decomposed, such as vegetation that has become putrid: Heaps of compost and all natural forms of this kind, including leaf mold, rotting seaweeds, etc., are the decayers for breeding many flies.
3. A gradual deterioration to an inferior state, such as tooth and gum infections: The dentist indicated that there was a lot of decayer that needed to be repaired in Jim's teeth and it would require several consecutive appointments to improve his condition.
4. A decline into a disastrous condition: The decayer of the inner city was sad to see because so many old regal homes were falling into ruin.
deciduous (adjective), more deciduous, most deciduous
1. Pertaining to trees and bushes that shed or lose their leaves annually: The leaves of the deciduous maple tree in Joanna’s backyard are turning bright red and are beginning to drop to the ground and so it will be necessary for her to rake them up.
2. A description of the teeth, antlers, or wings of animals and birds that are shed after a certain stage of development: The hunter never killed animals but he did collect the deciduous antlers which he found on the forest floor and he utilized them as coat racks.
3. A reference to the thin horney plates protecting the skin of certain water animals that are shed easily or at intervals: The deciduous scales of the fish were sparkling in the shallow water of the tidal pool near the ocean.
The falling off of leaves of some trees.
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deciduousness (s) (noun) (no pl)
The seasonal loss of parts of an organism, or at a certain stage of development in the life cycle of plants animal parts, etc.: The deciduousness of the trees in the garden was very appealing because of the variety of colors.

The bare branches of the trees in the nearby forest created a remarkable deciduousness for those who had the opportunity to view them.

escheat (s) (noun), escheats (pl)
1. Property of an individual for which there is no designated heir and therefore there is a reversion to the state or to government ownership: The news reports confirmed that there were no heirs of the estate and that the escheat would be administered by locally elected officials.
2. Etymology: Middle English rom Old French eschete, based on Latin excidere, "to fall away"; from ex-, "out of, from" + cadere, "to fall".
escheatable (adjective), more escheatable, most escheatable
Pertaining to the possession of property of a deceased person to the state, or government, when there are no legal heirs: The lakeside estate, which had been in the Ryerton family for years, became escheatable property when the last of the family died and left no heirs, so all of the possessions and assets came under control of the province.
incidence (s) (noun), incidences (pl)
1. The frequency or extent of something happening: The incidence of squirrels invading upper story balconies appears to be on the increase which is puzzling some zoologists.
2. Etymology: From Medieval Latin incidentia, "a falling upon"; from Latin incidens, incidere, "to fall upon", from in, "on" + cadere, "to fall".
incident (s) (noun), incidents (pl)
An event or happening, often seen as unique: The isolated incident of Sam's cheating on the examination astonished his tutor and embarrassed his parents because he subsequently failed the class.
incidentally (adverb) (not comparable)
1. Regarding how something is casual, unimportant, or not remarkably significant: Mr. Thorpe was an outstanding lawyer, and incidentally, he was also a singer performing with the local operetta society.

The government report discussed the spying problem only incidentally.

2. Conveying how an introduction or a statement provides added information or includes another topic: Oliver recently met his friend's wife, who incidentally was a well-known reporter on TV.

Incidentally, Corinne saw Rebecca today who said that she recently got a job with a publisher as an editor.

occasion (s) (noun), occasions (pl)
1. A particular time, especially as marked by certain circumstances or occurrences: Tim and Rene met on three occasions to discuss the project.
2. A special or important time, event, ceremony, celebration, etc.: Hank's birthday will be quite an occasion.

Henry was filled with both joy and fear on the occasion of his wedding.

3. A convenient or favorable time, opportunity, or juncture: This slack period in business would be a good occasion to take an inventory.
4. The immediate or incidental cause or reason for some action or result: Jack asked, "What is the occasion for all of this noise?"
occasional (adjective), more occasional, most occasional
Descriptive of something that occurs from time to time and not in a predictable pattern: Patrick's aunt was just an occasional visitor because she had a long distance to travel to see him and his family.

Margaret's 90-year-old aunt claims that an occasional drink of wine keeps her young.

occasionally (adverb), more occasionally, most occasionally
A reference to how something takes place sometimes or irregularly, but not very often: Jim's wife was told to cook the apples on medium heat and to stir them occasionally until they became soft.
Occasionem cognosce. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Recognize opportunity."

Another translation: "Strike while the iron is hot."

Occident (s) (proper noun) (no pl)
1. The countries of Europe and of the Western Hemisphere: Some historians have predicted that sometime in the future there will be a shift of power from the Occident to the Orient.
2. Etymology: from Old French occident (12th century), from Latin occidentem, "western sky, part of the sky in which the sun sets", originally "setting"; occidere "fall down, go down (a reference to the sun"; from ob-, "down" plus cadere, "to fall".
occidental (adjective), more occidental, most occidental
1. Western, as opposed to oriental; pertaining to the western quarter of the hemisphere, or to some part of the Earth westward of the speaker or spectator: There are occidental climates, occidental pearls, and even occidental gold.

The music on the radio had a very occidental quality about it, sounding as if it were inspired by European masters.

2. When capitalized, characteristic of countries of Europe and the Western Hemisphere which is the opposite of Oriental, or eastern countries: The colonialists wrote often about their Occidental adventures.

The adjective and noun Oriental, with reference to people from East Asia, is now regarded as a relic of Western colonialism and should be avoided. The preferred term is "Asian".

Occidentalism (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Western civilizations: The young bride insisted on maintaining her customs of Occidentalism, such as afternoon tea, even though the temperatures were high.
2. The scholarly knowledge of Western cultures, languages, and people: Rudyard's Occidentalism was noticed specifically in his essays which were published in scholarly presses.

A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; fortu-; -mancy; serendipity; sorc-; temer-; tycho-.