prosth-, prosthe-, prosthet-, prostheto-

(Greek > Latin: an addition; to put to, add to, to place)

dental prosthesis (s) (noun), dental prostheses (pl)
The replacement of a tooth or of a section of teeth by partial or full dentures: Steven had to go to the dentist to have a new tooth put in where one was missing and found out that this procedure was called dental prosthesis.
externally powered prosthetics (noun) (a plural form used as a singular)
Any body part substitution in which a small electric motor has been incorporated for the purpose of providing force to control various functions: Externally powered prosthetics have components that are moved by special medical machines and powered by batteries.
keratoprosthesis (KER uh toh prahs thee" sis) (s) (noun) keratoprostheses (pl)
The exchange of the central area of an opacified (opaque, unclear) cornea of the eye with special plastic: Because Sally was not able to see anymore after her injury in a car accident, she had to have surgery known as keratoprosthesis performed in order to restore at least some of her sight.
maxillofacial prosthesis (s) (noun), maxillofacial prostheses (pl)
The repair and surgical exchange on the jaw which is missing because of a disease or an injury: Maxillofacial prosthesis was performed on Jim's chin as a result of a deformed area on the lower part of his face.
myoelectric prosthesis (s) (noun), myoelectric prostheses (pl)
An advanced device operated by battery-powered electric converters that are activated through electrodes provided by muscles: A myoelectric prosthesis uses electromyography signals from voluntarily contracted flexors within a person's elbow, wrist rotations, or hands that open and close the fingers.

A myoelectric prosthesis utilizes the remaining nerve and neuromuscular systems of the human body to control the functions of an electrical operated prosthetic hand, wrist, elbow, or foot.

prosthesis (prahs THEE sis, proh THEE sis) (s) (noun), prostheses (pl)
1. A man-made device used to replace a missing body part; such as, an arm, a tooth, or an eye: A few examples of prostheses that are used to restore normal functions include false legs or arms that are provided after amputations or an artificial heart valve that is used to supplant the opening and closing of that organ because of an injury or a disease.
2. A device to augment the performance of a natural function: A hearing aid is another example of a prosthesis.

Prostheses are also used for cosmetic reasons; such as, a breast prosthesis that is fitted after a mastectomy, or the removal of a breast, and a glass eye which is inserted to replace a diseased eye which has had to be surgically removed.

3. In linguistics, the addition of a letter or a syllable to a word: One example of a language prostheses is when an "s" is added to words to make them plurals; such as, book > books, plant > plants, cartoon > cartoons, etc.
4. Etymology: from Latin and Greek prosthesis, "addition of a letter" or "syllable to a word"; from prostithenai, "add to"; from pros, "to" + tithenai, "to put, to place".

The reference to "artificial body part" is first recorded in 1706.

Pointing to a page about prostheses. Additional information about prostheses.

prosthesis, prostration
prosthesis (prahs THEE sis) (noun)
An artificial device that is used as a substitute for a body part; such as, an arm: The occupational therapist helped her client learn to walk with the new prosthesis which Janet needed after losing her left leg in a boating accident.
prostration (prah STRAY shuhn) (noun)
The result of someone becoming weak or powerless: The campers suffered from heat prostration and exhaustion.

The patient found it difficult to adjust to the new prosthesis; in fact, Willie sat down in a state of prostration at the end of his first therapy session.

prosthetic (prahs THET ik) (adjective), more prosthetic, most prosthetic
A reference to reinstalling a missing part of the body; constituting an artificial component in place of a natural part: Mark had to use a prosthetic device in his right arm so he could use it for eating, writing, holding things, etc.
prosthetics (prahs THET iks) (plural used as a singular) (noun)
A branch of surgery dealing with renewal of missing components in human structures: Prosthetics involves the science and technology of the design, fabrication, and application of artificial parts in bodies:

Externally powered prosthetics refers to any physical replacements in which a small electronic motor has been incorporated for the purpose of providing force to control various physical functions.

Pointing to a page about prosthetics. Information about advances in prosthetics.

prosthetist (prahs" thuh TIST) (s) (noun), prosthetists (pl)
1. A specialist in providing manufactured dentures: Because Jane’s father needed a new set of teeth, a prosthetist skillfully inserted the new ones which he had designed himself.
2. A maker of artificial body limbs: The prosthetist measures, produces, adjusts, and services imitation external parts for the body; such as, a hand or a foot.
3. Someone who is engaged in the fabrication and fitting of diseased or missing sections of a person's physical structures: Because Nicole had a very bad bicycle accident, she lost one leg and a prosthetist was able to design and produce another one to fit her needs.
prosthetophacos (s) (noun), prosthetophacoses (pl)
A term for the intraocular lens that is placed in the anterior or posterior chamber of the eye, or attached to the iris after a cataract extraction: The ophthalmologist discussed Lynn’s poor visual condition with her and suggested that she obtain a prosthetophacos which could restore her vision as much as possible.
prosthetosclerokeratoplasty (s) (noun), prosthetosclerokeratoplasties (pl)
The surgical procedure for the replacement of diseased scleral (white outer layer of the eyeball) and corneal (transparent layer forming the front of the eye) tissue in the eye with a transparent prosthesis: Tom’s eyesight was fully restored after a prosthetosclerokeratoplasty was performed by the surgeon on the afflicted area of his oculus or eyelike opening.
prosthodontia (prahs" thuh DAHN shuh) (s) (noun), prosthodontias (pl)
The study of the art of restoration of lost teeth and related structures: Tim had to take a course in prosthodontia during his studies in dentistry which covered the topics of the renewal of mouth and jaw structures with man-made devices.
prosthodontics (prahs" thuh DAHN tiks) (plural used as a singular) (noun)
A branch of dentistry dealing with the construction and the improvements of teeth and related mouth or jaw structures with artificial devices or appliances: Prosthodontics is used for cosmetic or functional reasons, or both.

Prosthodontics also involves the restoration and maintenance of oral functions, comfort, appearance, and health of the patient by the renewal of missing enamel-layered structures and contiguous tissues with necessary substitutes.

prosthodontist (prahs" thuh DAHN tist) (s) (noun), prosthodontists (pl)
A dentist who specializes in the mechanics of making and fitting artificial teeth: Prosthodontists prepare manufactured cuspids and molars to take the place of damaged ones.

Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; stato-; the-, thes-.