(Latin: full of, abounding in, having the qualities of, characteristic of something)
decompose (verb), decomposes; decomposed; decomposing
1. To separate into constituent components, or to cause something to separate into its constituent components: In the science laboratory, the students attempted to decompose the odd mixture in the test tubes.
2. To break down organic matter from a complex to a simpler form, mainly through the action of fungi and bacteria, or to be broken down in this way: Once Jack places vegetation in the compost pile, it starts to decompose and to decay.
3. To break something down into smaller or simpler fragments: The organic waste in the composter will decompose over the winter and be mixed into the garden in the spring.
2. To break down organic matter from a complex to a simpler form, mainly through the action of fungi and bacteria, or to be broken down in this way: Once Jack places vegetation in the compost pile, it starts to decompose and to decay.
3. To break something down into smaller or simpler fragments: The organic waste in the composter will decompose over the winter and be mixed into the garden in the spring.
depose (verb), deposes; deposed; deposing
1. To remove someone from office or from a position of power: Through a nonviolent coup, the legislators were able to depose the dictator.
2. To give evidence or to testify under oath, either in a written or verbal form: Under oath, the witness was deposing her evidence precisely and to the point.
3. To request and to record evidence from a testifier: The court was carefully deposing all of the statements from the attestant or person who affirmed the truth about what happened.

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2. To give evidence or to testify under oath, either in a written or verbal form: Under oath, the witness was deposing her evidence precisely and to the point.
3. To request and to record evidence from a testifier: The court was carefully deposing all of the statements from the attestant or person who affirmed the truth about what happened.

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An isomer of glucose that is found in honey and sweet fruits; dextrose (dextrorotatory form of glucose found naturally in animal and plant tissue and derived synthetically from starch).
diagnose, diagnoses, diagnosed, diagnosing (verb forms)
1. To determine or to distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis.
2. To determine the identity of (a disease, illness, etc.) by a medical examination: "The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza."
3. To ascertain the cause or nature of (a disorder, malfunction, problem, etc.) from the symptoms: "The mechanic diagnosed the trouble that caused the car to break down."
4. To classify or to determine on the basis of scientific examination.
2. To determine the identity of (a disease, illness, etc.) by a medical examination: "The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza."
3. To ascertain the cause or nature of (a disorder, malfunction, problem, etc.) from the symptoms: "The mechanic diagnosed the trouble that caused the car to break down."
4. To classify or to determine on the basis of scientific examination.
A slight or temporary attack of fever of indefinite origin or pathology.
fibroadipose (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to or containing both fibrous and fatty structures: Fibrous degeneration of glandular tissue can be described as a fibroadinose substance in a person's body.
floccose, floccosely
1. In biology, pertaining to a growth consisting of short and densely but irregularyly interwoven filaments.
2. Woolly; bearing flocci; specifically, in botany, having tufts of soft woolly hairs, which are often deciduous.
2. Woolly; bearing flocci; specifically, in botany, having tufts of soft woolly hairs, which are often deciduous.
Minutely floccose.
1. A chemical name occurring in honey and many sweet fruits and a component of many disaccharides and polysaccharides that are obtained by inversion of aqueous solutions of sucrose and subsequent separation of fructose from glucose.
2. The official preparation, administered intravenously in solution as a fluid and nutrient replenisher.
3. A simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits.
2. The official preparation, administered intravenously in solution as a fluid and nutrient replenisher.
3. A simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits.
Fructose is a "sugar found in fruit', from 1864, coined in English from Latin fructus ccurring in invert sugar, honey, and a great many fruits. It is used in foodstuffs and in medicine chiefly in solution as an intravenous nutrient. Also called: levulose and fruit sugar.
fumose (noun), more fumose, most fumose
1. Referring to something that is full of fumes, giving off fumes, vaporous, flatulent.
2. Pertaining to being smoky, thick with smoke, like smoke.
2. Pertaining to being smoky, thick with smoke, like smoke.
A white crystalline sugar found in certain plant gums and mucilages and one of the principal constituents of lactose, which is the main sugar of milk.
globose (adjective), more globose, most globose
Pertaining to something that has the shape of a globe; globular: The pills that Mary got from the pharmacy had a globose form, so she had to be careful that they wouldn't roll off the table!
1. A simple sugar produced in plants by photosynthesis and in animals by the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The commonest form, dextrose, is used by all living organisms.
2. A syrup containing dextrose, maltose, dexrin, and water that is obtained from starch and used in food manufacture and in alcoholic fermentation.
2. A syrup containing dextrose, maltose, dexrin, and water that is obtained from starch and used in food manufacture and in alcoholic fermentation.