(Latin: full of, abounding in, having the qualities of, characteristic of something)
Hair which is matted together.
Shade-giving; dusky.
ventose (adjective), more ventose, most ventose
Concerning a condition of flatulence; windy: Bruce had stomach and intestinal difficulties which his doctor described as being ventose symptoms of an infection in his bowels.
verbose (adjective), more verbose, most verbose
1. A reference to a person or to something written which uses an excessive number of words, more than is necessary for clarity or precision: The speech Mr. Boredom gave to his business associates was quite repetitious, rambling, long-winded and verbose.

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Jack went on and on about every little detail in a verbose way regarding how much he disliked the party he went to.
> 2. Etymology: from Latin verbosus, from verbum, "the word".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. A thick, golden-brown viscous solution of cellulose xanthate, used in the manufacture of rayon and cellophane.
2. A viscous solution prepared by treating cellulose with caustic soda and carbon bisulfide; used in manufacturing regenerated cellulose fibers, sheets, or tubes, as rayon or cellophane.
2. A viscous solution prepared by treating cellulose with caustic soda and carbon bisulfide; used in manufacturing regenerated cellulose fibers, sheets, or tubes, as rayon or cellophane.
zygose (adjective), more zygose, most zygose
Pertaining to the union or conjugation of two gametes, which are mature sexual reproductive cells, such as sperms or eggs, that unite with other cells to form new organisms: In her botany class at college, Judy learned all about zygose processes and what conditions were necessary for plant propagation.