axo-, ax-, axi-

(Greek > Latin: axis)

A reference to the synaptic relationship of an axon with a dendrite of another neuron.
1. The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell.
2. A long fiber of a nerve cell (a neuron) that acts somewhat like a fiber-optic cable carrying outgoing (efferent) messages.

The neuron sends electrical impulses from its cell body through the axon to target cells. Each nerve cell has one axon. An axon can be over 20 cm (a foot) in length, which for the human body is remarkably long.

axonography (s) (noun), axonographies (pl)
The recording of electrical changes in axons. Also: electroaxonography.
A terminal filament of the neuraxon of a nerve cell.
Surrounding or encircling an axon or a long fiber of a nerve cell (a neuron) that acts somewhat like a fiber-optic cable carrying outgoing (efferent) messages.