typho-, typh-, -typhoidal, -typhus +

(Greek: to smoke; smoke, mist, vapor, hot vapor, steam, cloud, fog; stupor [insensibility, numbness, dullness]; used exclusively in medicine as a reference to fever accompanied by stupor or a clouding of the mind resulting from the fever caused by a severe-infectious disease)

Preventive or curative for typhoid fever.
Typhoid fever marked by symptoms of irritation or inflammation of the cerebral or spinal meninges.
The inability to see well at night.
An acute infectious disease with symptoms and lesions resembling those of typhoid fever, though milder in character; associated with the presence of the paratyphoid organism of which at least three varieties (types A, B, and C) have been described.
Typhoid fever in which the early stage is masked by the physical signs of pleurisy.
Occurring as a sequel of typhoid fever.
Malignant or deadly typhus.
Relapsing fever.
Producing or causing typhus or typhoid fever.
1. Resembling or characteristic of typhus; applied to a class of febrile diseases exhibiting symptoms similar to those of typhus, or to such symptoms themselves, especially to a state of delirious stupor occurring in certain fevers.
2. Typhoid fever: a specific eruptive fever (formerly supposed to be a variety of typhus), characterized by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; more distinctively, and now more usually, called enteric fever.
3. Typhoid Mary, nickname of Mary Mallon (d. 1938), an Irish-born cook who transmitted typhoid fever in the U.S.A. Also figuratively, a transmitter of undesirable opinions, sentiments, etc.

Pointing to a page about a kleptomaniac See information about Typhoid Mary who was unaware of harm she was doing to others.

Pertaining to or characteristic of typhoid fever; resembling or having the character of typhoid fever.
Having symptoms of both typhoid and malarial fevers.
A muttering delerium characteristic of that in typhoid fever and typhus.
1. Pneumonia occurring in typhoid fever.
2. Pneumonia with typhoid symptoms.
A basic substance, formed from the growth of the typhoid bacillus on meat pulp.

It induces in small animals lethargic conditions with liquid dejecta.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-.