scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive
(Latin: write, record)
Writing has not always been available for the "common person" to utilize. In the past it was restricted only to the few who were educated especially for that purpose either as scribes or monks who dedicated their lives to this vocation. You can learn more about the ancient Egyptian scribes by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
2. Added in a postscript.
2. To present rules or instructions that are to be followed exactly as presented: Mark's new employer prescribes that new workers must pass a physical examination before they can become employees or members of the company.
3. To do something that is suggested as a way to accomplish or to make an objective or an intention succeed as desired: A group of many parents is prescribing the improvement of the educational system in their community.
4. Etymology: from Latin praescribere, "to write before or in front, to order, to direct" from prae-, "before" + scribere, "to write."

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2. Pertaining to something which has been fixed, set, or laid down in a formal way, as set by a rule or order: Mrs. Timmons had to arrive at work at the prescribed time every day and without exception.
The product sold in the store has met the prescribed standards set by the government.
3. Referring to an action which conforms to set usage, discipline, or procedure: All the students in school had to leave the building in a prescribed order when the fire alarm went off.
2: To designate, or to order, the use of as a remedy.
2. A specified guide for action or behavior: One important prescript for everyday life is etiquette, a set of rules for acceptable and preferred conduct in society.
2. A written order from an optometrist or ophthalmologist for glasses of a particular type and strength to correct the eyesight of a specified individual: Lisa took her prescription for contact lenses to the optician's and received them after only one week!
3. A proven method for causing something else to happen: One of the best prescriptions for staying healthy is laughter and good sleep!
4. The practice of laying down laws, rules, and regulations: The hotel had specific prescriptions that the cleaning staff were never allowed to meddle or tamper with the clothes or objects of the guests.
2. Relating to a long-standing custom or usage: Some older teachers at school had the prescriptive advantage of having their own desks for working during their free periods.
3. Referring to the establishment of laws or rules: Many important prescriptive regulations have been made by the government during the Coronavirus pandemic in order to protect as many people as possible.
2. Possible of being put outside the protection of the law; outlawed: In the story that Greg was reading, heretics were proscribable and banished from the country by the king.
The school administration proscribed, or did not allow, the use of cell phones in its classes.
2. To reject, to condemn, or to denounce something as useless or dangerous; to prohibit, to interdict: There are more and more public places that are proscribing smoking which is much more healthy for everyone.3. To banish or to expel from a country, community, or group: The illegal alien was proscribed back to his native country.
4. Etymology: from Latin proscribere, "to publish in writing, to condemn" from pro-, "before" + scribere, "to write."

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2. Anyone who denounces a person, or situation, as dangerous, or as utterly unworthy of reception.
3. A person who condemns or forbids something, or someone, as being harmful or unlawful.
2. The condition of having been denounced or exiled.
A suggestion that it is a good idea to write out something that one wishes to learn thoroughly.